Natasha moves forward, a hand on the gun at her hip. Or: How Tony Stark and Peter Parker cope with irreversible trauma, both physical and mental. Peter looked down at Mr. Stark, worried, then back to Wanda. "Wanda, no," Tony interrupts immediately. Littlebadariel, Lilien18, gay__disaster, Murphy_46, Zenthion, AnimeAva3, Lovely_Carnage, sayuribaka9, wolf_vivi, Septikai, MarleyTheHobbit, TheSixthTester, 0Aratay0, Amnopsk, SombraLeyla, GeekyGirl424, Zeres123, Ironman1122, PandorasBox43, Crick1t, BangLocalMilfs, UnorthodoxDream, Frey_Lupin, Potato_Child_The_3rd, ShadowBasilisks, dxnllse, Comicsforlife, Junebug_isunavailable, Watermelon123987, Park_Julia783, StarDust37, Ophelias_flowers5, TheHavensAngel, CcyiGyu, iseeyouinmyreveries, 27_kiraszep, sho_parker_malfoy_tempest, Cas_Phaex21, LizzieBlack015, RRjn17, not_a_pseudonym, TheKindaAgnosticAuthor, yatsu11, fieryb, LadyStar1007, Me4ever, Strangerdangersss, FluffMakesMeSob, Im_A_Gummybear_Of_Hell444, Bri_Cryptid, and 1055 more users The bedroom is roughly two or three times the size of his own, with pristine walls, a queen-sized bed, a blue armchair off to the side, a small desk in the corner and another door that presumably leads to the bathroom. Ned flashed Peter a confused glace, but Peter was just staring at the man. And From his newfound spot on a rooftop, Peter caught sight of a flood of bad guys changing direction and headed towards a mostly-abandoned apartment building. "I hate you because you took me and my brother's childhood away from us at such a young age, which is why we agreed to become weapons. Different tools lay strewn about the lab and two robots were fighting over a vase in the corner. Spider-Man has been the object of the Avengers secret affections for quite some time now, even without them knowing his real identity. There was a rap on the classroom door. Peter nodded and the two of them got to work. Bucky froze. He calls May every night, and Tony often comes over to check on his progress or tinker with whatever he's working on all day. Bucky visibly falters, adjusting the grip on the gun. After a few moments Dr. He will arrive shortly, Friday said. Tony is waiting for you in his personal lab, Happy said pulling to a stop. "I, umI was gonna use your lab for a little bit to" He trails off. I mean yeah I was you age when I was in college, but still. The door to his bedroom is ajar and he can see May in the kitchen from where he is, but that doesn't really matter. [The team is heading out; remember your promise. Im on my way now. I've only cooked dinner for him twice. tower cafe sacramento; galley pirate blox fruits. Hey, whats in, Then he glimpsed a flash of red, white, and blue half-buried by rubble in front of the building. done. Wanda is with them now. Peter shot Vision a concerned look and practically bolted as Vision led them into the living room. If it were anyone else, if it were you, Peter says, shaking his head. Sure kid. "I have to go now. Hed stuck around after the battle, partly out of concern, partly out of him not having anything better to do. Wanting to know what they were keeping from him, he sneaks into the tower after overhearing Tony talking about a meeting that no one told Peter about. That's is awesome dude." The spider-guy said before being rammed by Sam. He startled badly as he saw a red and blue body drop down in front of him. Posted at 01:41h . I think I want to get to know you better first. Peter quipped, pretending to lower his hands to clamber onto his knees. ', Hawkeyes eyes widened and he cursed. There werent any, and Peter breathed a sigh of relief. As was tradition, the Avengers asked again, but this time, the new recruit accepted- after saying he'd help clean up their mess first. arrium shareholders united settlement. Wanda you will sustain the spell. They had been close couple of times. Peters down!" His hands pressed against the bullet hole, fingers slipping in the blood and making his stomach roll with nausea. Mrs. And then Tony realizes what she's doing. ", May swallows. Other than that, they all looked physically fine. May cant really afford to send me to college right now so we figured wed save money ya know. Enough!. Maybe it was May asking him to pick something up on the way home; or Tony calling to see how the test went. Peter interrupts quickly. Uh, Stark? The battle is raging all around him. as well as Hey, chill, Cap. Peter told him, reaching out for the chunk of rock. Strange carefully walked over and bent down next to Tony. Strange. But, maybe, just this once it was a good thing. "Besides, it would be nice to have someone around my age here as well.". 5. Gotta go!, Teenagers, Tony muttered under his breath. Peter had been working tirelessly with Tony and Bruce to try and find a way to track the perp. ", Tony throws his hands up in mock surrender. Mr. "Also," he adds as an afterthought. Happy gives him a look, and opens the door for him. Will he be placed in foster care? It is not detailed at all and I do not go into depth. Tony's not sure whether to punch him or hug him. avengers fanfiction natasha abuse. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY FIC, OrenjiiPH! 83.3K 1.6K. The boy opens his mouth as if to respond, but he only manages a high-pitched squeak of both awe and terror. "And you mean the Tower as in the Avengers Tower?". peter-man - oh, fuck - i mean spider-man. What's up?". "An intern. Peter struggles with facing life from the school bullies to living with his billionaire guardian to even going. He looked somehow familiar. "I stopped a mugging today. Posted By: how did jasmine sabu die . In all the time Tony's known Peter he's never seen him cry. Also sexism bc the omegaverse sexist af for no reason.____________________Peter was adopted by Tony Stark by age 14. I-I dont know. She buried her head in her hands. "I need to be able to keep an eye on him. Casting a brief glance over his shoulder, he slides the frame down and crawls into his own room, dropping down onto the floor and closing the window behind him. Happy's irritated voice snaps him from his awestruck daze. Peter jumped before realizing what it was his entire face going red with embarrassment. "Tony said no magic," Bucky calls from the corner. I cant wait to tell May! He said jumping out of his chair. Happy glances at Peter. "Mr. Stark! The image of a badge flashed on its screen. Hey, Mr. Stark, where do you need me?. Tony got into the driver's seat while Peter took the passenger side. A small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. It's almost (?) Today's not her birthday. "I gave him the suit because I knew that even if I tried to stop him, he would still be able to bullshit his way around me somehow. The gauntlet falls into Peters hands on the battlefield, and instead of passing it on, he snaps. "Oh," the boy breathes, hands raised in a position of surrender. Peter hides behind his mask because he is afraid to lose anyone else. It is just a brief mention for realism purposes. "I'll start packing and stuff, then. You couldnt get more original than Spangles? Everyone knew that Spider-Man was young, somewhere in his teens or early twenties. He was awestruck by the magnificence of the room around him. But the perp had disappeared just moments before they arrived. Aliens are beginning to swarm him and in the overwhelming panic that begins to consume, he does the only thing he can think of. Peter takes them in and helps raise them with Mj and the avengers. Wanda was sitting next to Tony, pulling another blanket over him. Peter blinks, fumbling for words. rockyview hospital eye clinic. "Oh! tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Canon Divergence - Post-Avengers: Age of Ultron (Movie). She whips around, an intenseness akin to fury blazing in her brown eyes. Peter was just a kid, an innocent kid who fought crime to keep the little guy safe, making snarky comments and flinging insults all the while. "Anyways, where's Rhodes and Vision?". While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Bucky narrows his eyes, refusing to give in to the old innocent-boy gimmick. It started when they finally saw him without his mask and suit, and what was even worst is when they found out he was a omega too. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", 1. Peter Parker AKA Spider-Man PART 2. Penny Parker finally catches a break, even if she doesn't realize it yet. Baby stop crying go get my metal arms off the shelf over there. michael lombard actor obituary; justinas duknauskas biography; organic valley grassmilk yogurt discontinued That had always been his alibi, anyway. When the supersoldier hesitates, he snaps harshly, louder this time, "Drop the gun, Barnes.". The medic eyed him weirdly, probably because he was being ordered around by a spandex-clad vigilante, but he raced off in that direction anyway. So Peter glanced over to Mr. Stark, what was the plan? "You were on page thirty-four," Wanda pipes helpfully. Was, wenn Peter Parker anstelle von Tony schnippst?Begleitet Peter auf seinem Genesunsgweg und schaut zu, wie Peters und Tonys Beziehung noch enger wird. Peter aces his test Yeah but Pete, you must be bored out of your mind with all your different classes. Peter just shrugged. That was not new information to Steve, but it was the first time that he had had to deal with Tony's disappearance act and he had to admit that it was beginning to become quite annoying. This work entails lots of feels and asks the question: Is Peter alive? When the light disappeared the entirety of the bank was unconscious, including Tony, Steve, Bruce, and Thor. He made to get up and finish the fight, but Tony grasped his wrist. His phone rang, watch buzzing on his wrist but he couldn't draw his eyes away from the blood pooling around his hands to see who was ringing. Did they have one?But, Mr. Stark didn't look to Peter, helooked up in question at Doctor Strange, a silent question, eyebrows raised. Please consider turning it on! He gazed out the window letting his mind wander. 18 year old Peter Parker is starting a new chapter of his life as a full-time Avengers Recruit and College Student. Nodding, peter exited the vehicle and watched as it pulled away. Right? So here's the bit of Peter meeting the Avengers! Peter grabs his suitcase, and they walk down a hall with rows and rows of doors. Gently, he picked up his mentors hand and held it in his own. Ok. How far out are you?, Im here. Peter announced, catching sight of Hawkeye with his signature bow, firing down into the mob that had become East Houston. It's about love and care. Tony watches helplessly as Wanda peers into the carefully-buried past of Peter Parker, one that Tony himself hasn't even delved that deep into out of respect for his protg. A grin crept onto his face as he jumped the fence and ran over to the curb. 4. He has been fighting since that time and now, he just couldn't get any break, could he? He thought hed just caught the tail-end of an argument between Hawkeye and Falcon, because Sam Wilson muttered Spoilsport. just as Captain America said, Clint! Looking down in his pass, Peter pulled it out and scanned it. ******************WARNINGS***************- Mentions of MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY, it is accurate (to the best of my knowledge, I did a lot of high-quality research for this). Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. tony tells the avengers about peter fanfiction . I meanno, Im not hurt. He glares at Bucky. I dont know. Holy shit. He guesses that this would be the last one - his last decision. They are not. Im sure whatever it is can wait.. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. There's a sort of light, choked-off noise behind him and when Tony turns, Peter is there, hunched over with the bottom half of his face covered by his sleeve-covered hands, and he's giggling. Actually, everywhere throbs with what's most likely blossoming bruises. Don't be like me, guys. I mean, baby steps, right? Hey, put me back on the Avengers comm, wouldya? As soon as he heard the audio switch from the background to the foreground, he spoke up again. Work on instincts.Peter shoves his hand into the gauntlet.Instincts bad, he thinks. Sometimes he forgot just how young Peter was. Cap! Peter yelped, flinging himself forwards and shoving him out of the way. There is a retail space available for lease that is giving off unusual readings. I know you're so tired" Tony wept, his eyes stinging as he placed a peppery kiss on Peter's cheeks. Shuri Before he even registered, he pushed his books into his bag and had slung it across his back. Their gazes are directed towards Natasha, who's leaning against the door frame behind them. Strange put a hand on his forehead. The Avengers had been on the trail of some sort of supervillain. as well as Ah, Stark, youre late to the game! Sam Wilson called out as he shot by overhead. 2. "I'd probably ask for my wings back, if it weren't for that douchebag placing us under house arrest. Impromptu. "You gonna get out, or do you need someone to carry you?" He jumped into the black audi waiting in the pickup line. Wanda spits. Avengers Team/Peter Parker Peter Parker Steve Rogers James "Bucky" Barnes Tony Stark Natasha Romanov (Marvel) Sam Wilson (Marvel) Clint Barton Bruce Banner Thor (Marvel) May Parker (Spider-Man) Thaddeus Ross Pack Dynamics Pack Bonding Pack Family Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics Alpha Steve Rogers Omega Bucky Barnes Beta Bruce Banner Beta Clint Barton Sit down Mr. Parker. Stark! Peter cried and carefully picked his was over to his mentors side. Thor tossed restlessly. He has been exhausted since five years ago? peter is tonys son IronDad and SpiderSon Peter Snaps Peter uses the gauntlet Hurt Peter Parker peter kills thanos Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure Peter dies Summary Endgame spoiler au Basically if peter got to the gauntlet before tony or thanos did Series Part 16of Tony is an amazing dad Language: English Words: 1,128 Chapters: "Who are you?". Wanda watches wordlessly as the billionaire disappears behind the doorframe. Is he okay? The others in the hospital havent woken yet, and they have been asleep for several days now. Chirped in Wanda. Hello! If it would save so many people. This was the day Peter would lose his life as Spiderman and his freedom. Who does he turn to now? But, within a few seconds they ceased communication. Subway. Peter caught a quick glimpse of the Iron Man suit plowing into a horde of fake military men a few blocks away. "Yeah, I know." Add that to his identity being revealed to the entire world, and there's a long road to recovery ahead of him. "Um, how was it today? So, when Peter got a text from Clint right before math class, he had been disappointed. From inside the car, he can only make out the bottom of the massive 'A' that's plastered against the top of the Tower. He shouldnt have been there at all. Then all you have to do is help The Avengers wake up. Second Impressions Tony doesn't deserve for the kid to nearly sacrifice himself for him, but he'll make damn sure that he earns it. I'll make it two. avengers fanfiction peter collapses at school ao3. He glances down at his watch and stands up. But you said it was a family emergency. Strange looked like he was suppressing an eye roll. Hey, Mr. Stark, see that empty rental place on the corner?, There are alien weapons in there. How PeterSaves the World "You have a metal arm? Please -. What he didn't deserve was to keep losing his people. What saved Peter was his math quiz. Sorry! Ill go, uh, find a medic, Peter said awkwardly before rising to his feet. Peter had spent many hours there; watching movie with Steve and Tony, playing video games with Clint and Thor, or just talking with Nat and Bruce. Not mine. Enhanced bodies cause enhanced needs. Waking up back in the real world, Peter Parker receives some devastating news. When Tony met Peter Parker he didn't know how to handle the kid. He just hadnt known that bad news dressed up in red, white, and blue. Mrs. Clark rolled her eyes. The door made a click noise before sliding open. I dont want to know. ?, Don't READ. ), Boy Juice is another word for testosterone, The avengers are in this but they're secondary characters, trans characters w diff transition experiences, Peter Parker/Sam Wilson/James Bucky Barnes, can i tag pet play if peter wears cat ears once. Framed within was Visions concerned face. Wanda tried to make them comfortable and I called Dr. Right. Suddenly the elevator doors opened. And what do you want to see in this fic? Sure hed been here before, but it was only once or twice and no one could get used to it that quickly. Mr. Stark had invited him over earlier that day to work on some new suit designs and he could not be more excited. ", Sam snaps his book closed. Any, like, alien tech or something?, Karen was silent for a moment before speaking. But- Peter tried. You're losing control again." But not everyone knows that. No, Wanda, Im sure its not your fault. Where did you even learn this?, I dont know. Uh hu? said Mrs. Clark, crossing her arms and raising her eyebrow. Peter really couldnt afford another detention. The last thing Peter sees is Mr Stark and an orange sky. Ive been sent to get him.. The fight was overthe rest of the Avengers had seemingly taken care of all the bad guys and secured the Chitauri weapons. Tony smiled. Look, kid, Thanks, Mr. Stark! Peter said, doing a backflip off the van and reaching up to snag a building with his web-shooters. Spider-Man was an allusive person to get hold of, only appearing for the big fights when needed, and only helping 'the little guy'- as he put it. left kudos on this work. Then, he supposes, it's alright. He stands out considerably, a teenager in a loose-fitting hoodie and worn jeans next to professional-looking businessmen and businesswomen dressed in suits and the sort. "I figured you'd encourage me to go, so I've already phoned Tony about it, and he's agreed to allow you to stay at the Tower. Lay down. Said Dr. There are several POVs in this work, but it is clear when they move around. Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming) & Peter Parker, Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming) & Avengers Team, Carol Danvers/Original Female Character(s), Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming), Pepper Potts Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, the avengers dont understand secret identities, I Wrote This While Listening to French Music I Didn't Understand, Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant, i love her i swear why do i keep killing her, I Wrote This While Listening to Hozier's Music, Peter Parker's Field Trip to Stark Industries, Peter Parker Lacks Self-Preservation Instincts, im ignoring the fact that he sold it because i want to, Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, Stephen Strange Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Cloak of Levitation & Peter Parker Friendship, With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Pepper Potts & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) & Tony Stark. His heart had to be beating because Rhodey hadn't said anything. Or rather, they DEMAND it. Peter asks, but Happy's already disappearing behind the elevator doors. "He is sad," Wanda murmurs after a moment, startling Tony. He opens the fridge door and pulls out a cup of apple sauce and a spoon, and begins heading off to a glass room with all of the blinds pulled, presumably his workspace. "You know that you can tell me anything, right?". A mans scream briefly rang through the audio feed. , what was the day Peter would lose his life as Spiderman and his freedom invited over... White, and they walk down a hall avengers fanfiction peter saves the world rows and rows of.! Room around him badly as he saw a red and blue body drop down front... Go get my metal arms off the van and reaching up to snag building... Raise them with Mj and the Avengers had been disappointed when Tony met Peter Parker cope with trauma. Im sure its not your fault vehicle and watched as it pulled away how handle. 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