We pay for your stories and videos! And Sir Chris added that he would personally 'think twice' about following shielding guidelines himself, unless it was to protect the NHS which was not the main objective. Lee Cain, Mr Johnsons director of communications, questioned why Downing Street would want to have the fight on not having masks in certain school settings. Facemasks were only introduced in English classrooms after Boris Johnson was told it was "not worth an argument" with Nicola Sturgeon, it's been shown.. Mr Johnson is said to have made the move despite England's Chief Medical Officer at the time saying there were "no very strong reasons" to do so. By Angus Howarth. Below are some of the stand out, Five things weve learned from Hancocks lockdown files, The preventable death of the Scottish Tories. "We haven't had culture wars in Scotland, but they suddenly arrived with a vengeance," Keating explained. Scott Taylor, who plays for Lothian Thistle Hutchison Vale, is recovering in hospital in an induced coma after undergoing a 10-hour operation. The first minister was an active advocate for the Remain campaign in the run-up to the June 23 referendum on whether the United Kingdom should leave the European Union (EU; Brexit). Sturgeon had already announced the compulsory wearing of face masks in corridors and communal areas in Scottish secondary schools and in August 2020. Omissions? Nicola joined the SNP when she was 16-years-old and has held a number of roles within the party since then. The following day the Government announced that secondary school children returning to classes in September in areas subject to local lockdown would be required to wear face masks in corridors and communal areas where social distancing was difficult to maintain. Sturgeon did not run for a seat in the U.K. Parliament during the U.K. general election in May 2015, but her dynamic campaigning led the SNP to a historic landslide victory in the Scottish constituencies, as its share of the seats in Westminster swelled from 6 to 56with nearly all of its gains at the expense of Labour, for which Scotland had long been a stronghold. He added: So agree not worth an argument.. Lee Cain, Mr Johnsons director of communications, questioned why Downing Street would want to have the fight on not having masks in certain school settings while Simon Case, the permanent secretary for Covid who was promoted a week later to Cabinet Secretary, said nervous parents will freak out if children are wearing masks in Scottish schools but not English ones. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. ", The spokesman added: "He went as far as was possible, as fast as possible, to expand testing and save lives. The decision to implement a hard Brexit in the middle of the pandemic hammered many. Last modified on Thu 7 Jul 2022 12.53BST, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every A separate committee of members of the Scottish Parliament that investigated the governments actions in the matter concluded that they had been seriously flawed. Only days after Sturgeon had referred herself to the panel in January 2019, new charges of sexual assault, including attempted rape, were brought against Salmond. Is Keir trolling Boris with his next hire? She wished Mr Johnson and his family well on a personal level. But on the other hand, a change in leadership could open the door for a new strategy. Nicola Sturgeon Nicola Sturgeon accused of 'rank hypocrisy' after gloating over Boris Johnson's salary SNP ministers have had a voluntary pay freeze in place since 2008 but the cost of running the First Minister's bloated government is costing us more than 2MILLION a year extra News By Ben Borland Editor 16:54, 14 MAR 2022 However, at the time Ms Sturgeon accepted 135,605, a voluntary pay freeze support by First Minister Alex Salmond that had been running since 2008. ", DON'T MISS: Rishi Sunak's Brexit deal may save Tories from 'election wipeout' [REPORT] Ukraine LIVE: Furious Putin bans 'degenerate' foreign words [LATEST] Prince Harry and Meghan 'felt forced out' by King Charles, expert says [OPINION], He continued: "Also why do we want to have the fight on not having masks in certain school settings.". On Wednesday's instalment of the Channel 4 property show, Julie and Peter enlisted Lee's help to find their dream holiday home in South West France. As of April 2015, the salary for the First Minister of Scotland was decided as being 144,687 per year. The selfie-loving satrap spotted an opportunity to put some clear blue water between her and Westminster this morning, leapingon a tweet from todays No. At a press conference at her Edinburgh residence on Wednesday, Sturgeon told reporters she'd wrestled with the decision for weeks, ultimately deciding that someone else would be better suited to the relentless pressure of the job. In other areas in England, schools were given the power to 'recommend' face mask be worn in communal areas. Since then, she has revived plans for Scottish Independence with huge backing from the Scottish people - with opinion polls almost universally supporting the break away from the United Kingdom. Your details from Facebook will be used to provide you with tailored content, marketing and ads in line with our Privacy Policy. The body of Kyle Sambrook and his beagle Bane were found in Glencoe on Saturday following a three-day search. Nicola Sturgeon leaves after a press conference Wednesday at Bute House, where she announced she will stand down as irst minister of Scotland. Study reveals the nutritional value and carbon footprints of six popular faddy diets - so Young vapers are up to TWICE as likely to suffer depression, anxiety or panic attacks than non-users, Deja-flu? Police have launched a probe after a group of up to 300 people gathered outside a house in Graham Road, with the incident said to be the result of 'inaccurate information posted online'. But she said that before the issue of the referendum could be foregrounded, the coronavirus had to be tamed. "Lifelong conservative voters are fed up with being taken for granted. Face masks were then recommended for "all indoor environments" in February 2021. Meanwhile Simon Case, the permanent secretary for Covid who was promoted a week later to Cabinet Secretary, said nervous parents will freak out if children are wearing masks in Scottish schools but not English ones, the Telegraph reported. In Britains 1992 general election, Sturgeon was Scotlands youngest parliamentary candidate, still some weeks short of her 22nd birthday. She announced that she planned not only to hold a second independence referendum in October 2023 but also to ask the Supreme Court to determine whether Scotland was constitutionally empowered to hold the vote without the approval of the U.K. government. Salmond became first minister, with Sturgeon as his deputy and as minister for public health and well-being. Nicola Sturgeon has warned Boris Johnson against blocking a fresh referendum on Scottish independence after a poll found a majority would now vote yes. He said: "Let's not kid ourselves: Johnson was never fit to hold high office. For other inquiries Contact Us. were arrested. Express. She entered into full-time politics in 1999 when she was elected to the new Holyrood parliament in 1999, as a Glasgow regional MSP. IT is well known that Nicola Sturgeon is more liked than Boris Johnson in Scotland - but now the SNP leader has overtaken the Prime Minister in the popularity stakes south of the Border as well. Ms Sturgeon had then introduced the policy for secondary school pupils to wear masks in corridors and communal spaces. In late June 2022, well aware of Johnsons continued opposition to the referendum, Sturgeon nevertheless decided that the time was right to revisit the issue. A Place In The Sun host cringes at 'hard work' couple's low offer on property. Dissatisfaction with Sturgeons handling of the matter seemingly contributed to a drop in the first ministers public approval rating, which by January 2018 was just about evenly split between those who approved of Sturgeons handling of her job and those who disapproved. Trust in the Conservatives has gone and it won't be coming back.". Sturgeon also led the SNP to its third straight victory in the elections for the Scottish Parliament in May 2016. Mr Ross was speaking after Mr Johnson indicated he would resign, but before he made his statement outside 10 Downing Street. After apologising to witches and advocating nuclear armageddon, what next for Nicola Sturgeon? SNP leadership contender Ash Regan announces 'bonkers' currency plan for independent Scotland. When the votes were tabulated in the parliamentary election, the SNP added one seat to the total it had won in the 2016 election, but, with 64 seats, it was still one seat shy of an outright majority. Sturgeon initially announced that she would be a candidate for the position, but she withdrew in favour of Alex Salmondwho had been party leader until he was replaced by Swinney in 2000. Titford heard Kaylea screaming shortly before she died but instead of checking if she was unwell, he texted her to stop. Video, At the crash site of 'no hope' - BBC reporter in Greece, Record numbers of guide dog volunteers after BBC story. Children were ordered to wear face masks in schools after Boris Johnson was told the issue was 'not worth an argument' with Nicola Sturgeon. Between April 17 and August 13, 2020, a total of 17,678 people died of Covid in care homes in England. as he pushed for favourable front-page coverage, Mr Osborne warned Mr Hancock that 'no one thinks testing is going well' in late 2020, Then Prime Minister Boris Johnson, revealed he was going 'quietly crackers' about the UK's shortage of test kits. Is he in the SNP? Frank Kinnis, 83, suffered fatal injuries after David Johnstone stamped on his head in woodland in Elgin. While the measures were loosened as time wore on, the prolonged isolation affected people's psychological well-being, with more than a third of those who were shielding reporting a deterioration in mental health, according to the Office of National Statistics. Gunshots caught on chilling doorbell footage in Greenock street after dad 'shot dead'. Some 62 percent of Scots who participated in the referendum agreed with Sturgeon, but the United Kingdom as a whole voted to leave (about 52 percent to about 48 percent). Nicola Sturgeon will survive and Boris Johnson will likely not despite Covid breaches. Nicola Sturgeon: How can small countries have a global impact? hide caption. That ruling, combined with the conservative party's hold over the British parliament, had already left the prospect of Scottish independence on shaky ground. Both the U.K. and Scottish governments imposed lockdowns on March 23, 2020, following the World Health Organizations declaration that the outbreak had become a global pandemic, but Sturgeon removed restrictions more selectively than Johnson after the first wave of the pandemic receded, and she reimposed them more quickly than Johnson did when the second wave began swelling in the last quarter of the year. "In a way, it was a surprise because [she said she was going to go on], but then any leader would say that because you become a lame duck the second you say you're going to resign.". Talking about why she got into politics, she told BBC Radio Four's Women's Hour: "Thatcher was prime minister, the economy wasn't in great shape, lots of people around me were looking at a life or an immediate future of unemployment and I think that certainly gave me a strong sense of social justice and, at that stage, a strong feeling that it was wrong for Scotland to be governed by a Tory government that we hadn't elected.". The shielding guidance was designed to protect people who were most at risk from getting the virus. On Thursday morning, it emerged that Mr Johnson had decided to step down. The bad blood that resulted between former allies Sturgeon and Salmond deeply divided the SNP as it headed into the important elections for the Scottish Parliament in May 2021, in which Sturgeon and the SNP hoped to gain an outright majority that would allow them to push forward with a new referendum on independence, popularly referred to as indyref2. In late March Salmond formed his own political party, the Alba Party, for the election, and Sturgeon witnessed a drop in her popularity. But the World Health Organization recommended on August 21, 2020 that children aged 12 and over should wear masks in situations where they could not maintain social distancing. Ms Sturgeon could survive this should she have the support of the Greens. Instead, he introduced guidance that made testing compulsory only for those entering care homes from hospital. Nick Gibb, the minister for school standards, had only that morning told BBC Radio 4's Today programme that 'masks are not necessary for staff or pupils'. Very occasionally leaders surprise us. VideoRecord numbers of guide dog volunteers after BBC story. Neither of them will feel sick when their monthly direct debit rises again, or despair when . One might wonder if Nicola Sturgeon was secretly a little sad to see Boris Johnson go. Permanent secretary for Covid Simon Case said nervous parents will freak out if children had to wear masks in Scottish schools but not English ones. "And I've today appointed a Cabinet to serve, as I will, until a new leader is in place. Email tips to steerpike@spectator.co.uk or message @MrSteerpike, Its not just the spectre of Brexit that is haunting Westminster. Nicola Sturgeon is more popular than Boris Johnson in England, Boris Johnson's popularity ratings have plummeted since last December, Boris Johnson demands test and trace improvements after just one in seven get Covid results back in 24hrs, Leaked Tory memo warns PM cant keep rejecting second Scottish independence referendum demands as poll support rises, Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO). After this, the fifth session of the Scottish Parliament will end and the six-week election campaign will commence. The only thing that's saving her is the fact that England's is worse and that Boris Johnson is worse. 679215 Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF. The version of Brexit that Johnson finally pushed across the finish line on January 31, 2020, was anathema for Sturgeon and deeply unpopular with most Scots, not least those in the fishing and seafood industry, who lost their crucial direct access to EU markets. So agree not worth an argument.". And I believe the best option maybe is to have an interim PM which we have had during the Covid pandemic and indeed just as recently as a few weeks ago when Dominic Raab stepped up while the PM was in hospital and I think that maybe the best option.". Ms Sturgeon is enjoying incredibly high popularity ratings north of the border amid a surge in support for independence. There's been many excess deaths in care homes. Brexit pulled Scotland out of the European Union against its will, she said. The revelations come from leaked WhatsApp messages taken from the phone of then health secretary Matt Hancock and seen by the Telegraph. Sturgeon's departure is likely to complicate an issue her party long championed: the Scottish independence movement. A fresh cache of 100,000 text and WhatsApp messages leaked to the Daily Telegraph by the ex-journalist who ghost-wrote Hancocks pandemic diaries claimed: The following day the Government announced that secondary school children returning to class in September in areas subject to local lockdown would be required to wear face masks in corridors and communal areas where social distancing was difficult to maintain. This week the results of the inquiry will be released, revealing whether Ms Sturgeon broke ministerial code, knowingly misled parliament or whether she will be cleared of the allegations. "First and foremost there will be an overwhelming and very widespread sense of relief today that Boris Johnson's time as prime minister - which should probably never have been allowed to happen in the first place - is coming to an end.". The veto of the legislation, under the auspices of the Scotland Act of 1998, marked the first time in the roughly quarter of a century since devolution that the British government had overruled an action by Scotlands Parliament. Ash Regan claimed a devolved parliament could set up a new central bank and ditch the pound just months after a vote for indepenence. But the then-PM realised he would be confronted over the issue after the World Health Organisation (WHO_ recommended on August 21, 2020, that children aged 12 and over should wear masks in situations where they were unable to maintain social distancing. Unfortunately, remains of a baby have been found in woodland close to where Constance Marten and Mark Gordon. Taking Vitamin D each day could cut your chances of getting dementia, study claims. Investigation launched after angry crowd target a home in 'large-scale' disorder in Dumbarton. After obtaining a law degree in 1992 from the University of Glasgow, Sturgeon became a solicitor with a Glasgow law firm, but her ambitions always lay with politics. As tensions increased over the issue, some SNP members began questioning whether Sturgeons advocacy of the law might detract from her ability to further the movement toward independence. Sturgeon said at the time that Sunak's decision undermined Scotland's democracy, but she felt the political toll personally, registering her "first net negative opinion rating for the first time in eight years," Keating said. The revelations come from leaked WhatsApp messages taken from the phone of then health secretary Matt Hancock and seen by the Telegraph. Sturgeons opposition to the austerity policies of Prime Minister David Camerons government had been a focus of her campaign, whereas the Conservatives intimated that a victory for Labour and SNP gains would lead to a Labour-SNP coalition government with an agenda driven by the Scottish desire for independence. It comes after campaigners attacked the final climate agreement, with Greta Thunberg labelling it more "blah, blah, blah". By Shaun Wooller Health Editor For The Daily Mail. Boris Johnson, who replaced her as prime minister, won a mandate for his vision of hard Brexit in another snap parliamentary election in December. Scottish Tory Mr Ross said the decision to resign was the right one. In other areas in England, schools were given the power to recommend face mask be worn in communal areas. Supporters of the bill rejectedas fearmongering opponents claims that gender self-recognition could allow predatory men entre to spaces intended for women, but debate over the issue grew more heated when a transgender woman who was convicted as a rapist was jailed in a womens prison and then subsequently was transferred to a mens facility. Sturgeon's political aspirations emerged at an early age. SNP has 'no obvious successor' to Nicola Sturgeon as support for independence hovers around 50%, British Gas profits triple as Scots politicians make renewed call for 'proper' windfall tax, Five times Nicola Sturgeon and Scottish football crossed paths during First Minister's reign, The leaked WhatsApp messages suggested that Boris Johnson was influenced to bring in face masks in English schools because of Nicola Sturgeon. For the next eight years the SNP was in opposition to a LabourLiberal Democrat coalition. Could there be a little part of the first minister which feels she's missed the chance to go up against Mr Johnson in an independence referendum? I'm not sure anybody could look at Boris Johnson and conclude he is capable of genuinely behaving as a caretaker prime minister. And the Tories won more than 70% of the mayoral vote in Tees Valley - an area that used to vote Labour. Schools north of the border begin the school year earlier than those in England. Come here to live, work, invest, or study. As May was triggering the separation negotiations with the EU in late March, Sturgeon won support from the Scottish Parliament to formally request that the British government grant Scotland the powers to hold a new independence referendum by spring 2019, when Britain was expected to formally leave the EU. Whitty told Johnson that there were no strong reasons against in corridors etc, and no very strong reasons for" introducing the masks. Read More:Sturgeon faces fight for her job as damning reports to be released. Nicola Sturgeon has written to Boris Johnson calling for financial support to be made available as it was at the start of the pandemic. She won a seat as a member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP) in the new legislative bodys first election in 1999. "Matt concluded that the testing of people leaving hospital for care homes should be prioritised because of the higher risks of transmission, as it wasn't possible to mandate everyone going into care homes got tested. The panels report, which was published in March 2021, cleared Sturgeon of having violated ministerial code. Helen Whately, who is now health minister, yesterday told the Commons the leaked messages give a 'limited' and misleading view of the Government's decision-making around care homes during the pandemic. All rights reserved. They have taken extremely small steps to ease the lockdown and try to find an equilibrium for economy v public health. "Unsustainable" for Boris Johnson to remain as caretaker PM, Nicola Sturgeon says. She later warned Mr Hancock that the elderly were at risk of 'just giving up' because they had been isolated for so long. In the 2015 general election, the party under Ms Sturgeon obliterated Labour strongholds, taking 56 of the 59 seats in Scotland. If the SNP is going to get any traction, it needs to "relaunch its independence case and start making some bold decisions about what independence really means," said Michael Keating, a professor of politics at University of Aberdeen. The SNP are demanding Boris Johnson earn less than Nicola Sturgeon (Image: GETTY) Ms Sturgeon is entitled to 157,861 a year for her role in governing Scotland. Johnson asked his chief medical officer for advice on whether they were necessary in England. Boris Johnson and Nicola Sturgeon earn around six times the median wage in Scotland, which is 25,600. Scotlands independence movement needs a new leader and a new plan, Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has announced her intention to resign. An Ipsos Mori survey this month found that 72 per cent of Scots were satisfied with her performance as First Minister. ', Sturgeon used the breakdown of this 'rotten' government as an example of why she thought Scottish independence was a 'democratic' cause, Thu 7 Jul 2022 12.32BST The then prime minister compared over-65s' risk of dying from Covid to that of 'falling down stairs', adding: 'And we don't stop older people from using stairs.'. Nicola Sturgeon's run as First Minister of Scotland did produce a successful infrastructure program that it is likely to have at least some influence on whatever UK-wide version is built should . Smokers in Lanarkshire can get help to kick the habit ahead of No Smoking Day. The SNP leader has an impressive rating of 11 points in London, but the UK Prime Minister lags behind on -39 in London. The late Queen gifted Frogmore Cottage to Harry and Meghan in the months after their wedding back in 2018. Samantha Gilbert tragically lost her life, leaving her loved ones completely devastated. Speaking outside Number 10, Mr Johnson said he would continue as prime minister until his successor was chosen. The UK Prime Minister's. Journalists in the country were surprised to be invited to Sturgeon's residence on short notice during the Scottish parliament's recess. When Johnson refused, Sturgeon said the SNP would hold a vote anyway. Suffered fatal injuries after David Johnstone stamped on his head in woodland in Elgin of getting,... Made testing compulsory only for those entering care homes were no strong reasons against in corridors and spaces! 679215 Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1.. 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