If he didnt care, he wouldnt bother with asking you to stay in touch. My experience with some Pisces men is that they have an idealized version of their past ex, and they keep playing that story in their heads on repeat, when in reality, that ex, or their past experience with her, wasnt as great as they have made it up in their mind. If you need more tips, check out my books on Pisces Man Secrets! I dont know what should I do, do I keep distance with him? I think that in time hell finally give in and give it the title you want. When the time is right, he will tell you all about it. We dont talk as often as we did in the beginning but we do talk. We have classes together and hes doing the same things to get my attention. He seems to like me but I think he has a gf. It all just depends on the man you are dealing with. It hurts. Pisces men can be liars, but it is a case-by-case scenario. A Pisces will take a bath and cry if you ghost them and they liked you. The ghost genuinely feels bad Sometimes, when guys ghost, it eats away at their consciousness. Maybe he is actually busy and not doing what you think he is doing. The man in this sign has a deep and metaphysical connection with the world surrounding him, so you should never say that he's just playing silly. Hi there, so here is my situation. I wish you all the very best! Did something happen that made you change your mind?. They might not come out for an entire day. So I told him I respect that he wants to do the right thing so Ill give him the time he is asking for. He mentioned there is alot of pressure to finish his diffcult medical school exam and he cannot get his mind of me. I explained I didnt want to disturb him. He does have alot of luxurious cars by the way maybe 10. He was upset, because he said I did not trust him. If you would like to talk, Im here. I wish you all the best! Hes dual natured x 2. Then I found the info of a pisces man testing you. Body movement is a good indicator also. He probably still carries a torch for you. He is 2 faced sort of, he has a gemini moonhe acts super nice to me but says otherwise with ppl. One day we stayed on the phone for 7 hours just talking. Not sure, if I should keep hoping and praying he will call me, This is the craziest relationship I wish you all the luck of the stars! I wasnt embarrassed, just caught off guard. Now I know that someone else likes him. Im so confused because hes so hot and cold without even trying to be. The Pisces man is often a catch all of characteristics, displaying many of the main traits of the other signs. I would go ahead and text him, yes. We are a long distant couple. They are direct and purposeful, independent and overall pretty happy. Find out by asking him what his deal is. This will aid you in figuring out how to know if a Pisces man is playing you. I was shocked to receive, a message from this man out of nowhere. If he cannot be with you in that way then you two probably need to pull apart and be friends only (no sex). Make your Pisces man forget every other woman and go absolutely crazy for you. We then moved on to exchanging numbers and would message each other almost everyday. Your unwillingness to do as they want may have been the thing that alienated Pisces from . I wasnt looking for anything at the time as this game that I played was just to occupy myself when I had nothing else to do. But I had been repeatedly telling him, this is moving too fast, I need to talk to you by phone and see your face. Ive met so many of his friends coz they always come there, his always hosting when he gets the chance. Why give up hope now where there is so much more for the two of you to experience together. One minute he will show me affection in public then its like I barely exist. I find out from Facebook it was his ex he was helping out. I decided not to sleep with him to see his real intentions with me. If he cares, he will answer you and tell you if he still wants to keep going with it or if he wants out. When I tried to understand what exactly turned him off and explain myself in case of misunderstanding, he didnt seem to like it very much, he said this is my gut feeling, what would you do if you were me? I said in general I give some time to people. When a Pisces man is done with you, you will most definitely know. Im afraid the only way to know for sure why hes acting strange is to ask him about it. Shutterstock. Tell him what it is that you really want and then ask him what it is he really wants because you feel hes keeping you at somewhat of a distance. Libra and Pisces Compatibility - 5 years. This isnt good or healthy for you sweetheart. But its only until he fully trusts you that he may start to change his ways. There are an infinite amount of reasons why a Pisces guy will ghost people. He was so honest sweet, gave me alot of attention but not too much that it was irritating because his naturally a busy and successful man with alot of businesses. Thank you for chiming in Ivania! My case is just really unique and complicated. So I kinda rushed to leave and go home. Use the Scorpio tactic of looking him in the eye. And, if you want to know how long until . Later I texted him and asked when his birthday was. Youll be able to tell if hes being honest or is giving you total crap. Men born in Pisces are famous for their psychic capacities. He forgave me, he then went to spend time with his folks he sent me pics I told him how great he looked and how happy I was for him then he retreated and ghosted me for 4 days ugh. He shrugged and smiled. He also loves to sleep or his alone time, he will come to my house and just fall asleep, & I get annoyed but I dont say anything because I know he gets tired from traveling and sports. I wonder if this is it this time. (Some facts:He lives in South America and I am in North America. If you need more Pisces man insight, you should check out my books on Pisces man secrets. I think what you need to do is leave him alone for a bit. And he had decided I am the one to spend his life with. This is what makes Pisces men such good liars. How difficult is that I decided to breakup with him and now i keep wondering what i did do wrong. I am a male August Virgo, Dating a Male March Pisces. Hes so good at telling lies or bending the truth that hes become very comfortable with himself. He will also start reacting if you're spending too much time together. We are now best friends according to him and he still takes me on dates and stays over sometimes. Another thing Ive observed from them is that, the less emotionally invested you are in them, the more they care. Treat him like a friend and next time he compares you to his ex girlfriends you can say except Im not a girlfriend right?. If he is telling you to chill out its probably because hes going through some things and hes overwhelmed. I thought, how could someone like him just want to quit? The second time though I broke up with him and basically he told everyone that we were never together at all. I wish you the best! He gives me such mixed signals. Pisces men are supposed to be very attentive when the are in love. But he might not be doing this intentionally at all! Its pretty clear when hes not sure what he wants. I told him let me in to heal you, he said he will be happy if I heal him, should I just continue with him or distance myself from him. Please dont write Pisces men off from your sour experience sweetheart. Once he's calmed down, he may come back and tell you he didn't actually want to break up. Hell probably try to give you a story but again; watch his behavior as he talks. We would have the longest phone conversations ever. billie burke great grandchildren; balmoral restaurant closing; how much money did the vampire diaries gross. Ill be watching for your email. Then, read it again. You should know by what youve read here so far how a Pisces man tests you. So he explained he was going through something financial and that he wasnt sure if Id want to be with him during that state which is weird coz I dont mind, I just want him close to me. Thats when I started to get into astrology. Right now I feel like Im done with him he send me a text this morning and Im not even feeling bad for not responding Im also not planning ons talking to him again. Make sure hes not just out to play you and hurt you. So the story is we matched on tinder and we talked for a while and we met up it was great het also said he enjoyed spending time with me so we talked for like 2 more days like this is going in the right direction and then one morning he told me if I could give him some time he would appreciate it, because he wants to talk to his parents about us and because I have a son he wants to make sure he is ready for this and make his parents comfortable with it. Pisces men can be truly wonderful partners, but unfortunately, there is a side to them that is so manipulative. You cant push them or pressure them. Then 2020 he asked me temporarily if he could stay at my place til he got on his feet. Well we started talking again as friends in July of that same year. So I text him at noon and say so no more morning texts? And he response is so Im the only one who can text? Implying it would be nice if I texted too. He will be pretty obvious about it. Not sure if I should invest my whole scorp heart in it. Thats a first! He was soo much fun that night. Then we kept talking and got into more conversations. I went to see my friend and we hung out playing video games, but what he isnt saying is: I went to hang out with my female friend and we started with video games but ended up having sex.. That inner voice knows what is right for you. I have NEVER, been on such a world wind, with a Pisces. Typical leo woman, I like consistency. The last pisces that i dated seemed too busy for me everyday even for a single text. It must be because they are so sweet, romantic, and sensitive. We have been speaking to each other everyday and as childish as it may seem we sleep on video together every night. If not then hes being selfish and taking time to himself after he promised it to you. hes an athlete as well. If this happens, he'll be more motivated to get you back. Hi so the last message I received from my Pisces man goes as follow : hey my person a sorry and forgive me is probably not what you want to hear. Therefore, hell omit the truth of the situation so as to not rock the boat. Also whats with the empty promises.. Maybe his not planning to take me out anywhere not even a date. He is ten years younger than me and this is always bothering me. Its this type of thing that can cause Pisces man to play mind games. We talked. Sadly this lasted only for 1 year. It is difficult for us people of other signs, Scorpio in my case, to understand how their mind thinks like that, but they do, and all we can do is to observe from afar the strangeness of this mindset. If youd like, you can learn more about me on this page here. Well for the past 3 years Ive been working on myself and trying to forget about him and getting my life together as a young adult. So I would see this guy pretty often. What am I dealing with here? Though I noticed he bought a new phone and new expensive items in his apartments and he bought a new car a month ago too, video called me showing it to me. He didnt like the constant questioning because he messaged me back one day, saying that I required a lot of validation and that we were not a good fit. But I had plans and pushed our meeting to later. Ive apologized for our argument which he didnt on his part but admitted to being wrong about not telling mewho he was hanging out with. Virgo gal here been chatting w a Pisces guy for 5 months that all started when he messaged me on FB. Just because hes super attracted to you and wants to have sex with you doesnt mean he wants more than that. Its been confusing cause I feel like our relationship didnt really start until end of 2020. Required fields are marked *. I think hes just trying to play me still thats why I wont get attached but he calls me bae in text messages like he wants me to start giving him attention again. Then we stopped texting for a while. He does know I recently lost my job due to this pandemic and his always been so understanding and supportive about it even used to give me money for no reason and without asking either but that has stopped and I really dont mind Ive never asked for it anyway. Hi Then he said, Did Fregley tell you? Also, Fregley is not his actual name. His attitude is so confusing sometimes I want to break up with him but sometimes I cant. Youll have to take a different approach to how you talk to him. Is it a test.. SUBSCRIBE TO MY SECOND LIFESTYLE YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpYToEqxl9jxH6c-NtXMeeAJoin this channel to get access to perks:https:/. after I got done with my views, which were all matching his. You may see this as him being a player, but remember, if the two of you havent spoken about being exclusive, then it doesnt really count. Take note and understand. Dont chew him out but simply ask him why this is happening and if he still wants to grow this bond or not. I later told him he was mine in a text. If he shifts uncomfortably or becomes a little jittery then you know hes probably not being forthcoming or truthful in whatever it is that hes telling you. I really want to keep in contact with you, but if you dont want to accept a friendship for now and it will make things difficult I will also understand. So I investigated and everything started to make sense that he is also seeing this woman and they are in the same church and it seems like they know each other a long time but never been in a relationship. You two need to get everything out on the table so that you are on the same page and know for sure whether this is something you can work with or if you two need to let go. 5. He does believe in true love and finding his soulmate, and he wants to find her badly. Its weird. He isnt ready. I am a cancer female and have been friends with my pisces man for the last 2 years. I am a cancer woman and met my pisces man almost 2 weeks ago. It got ridiculous during that convo, he only texted me once a dayI finally said something and he never responded. My story is actually a little different but i would love some advice, im a virgo woman in a relationship with a pisces man and so it start out when i met him at a party in 2018 and his eyes dont leave me soon as i walk through the door, later on that evening we got aquatinted and i gave him my goodies a little too early but months went by and he still kept in touch then out of the blue got a girlfriend so we stopped talkin of course then almost a year late they broke up and he wanted my friendship so we ended up gettin cool again and hangin out with eachother and after a while of that December 2nd of 2020 rolls around and he decides he wants to be my boyfriend so i say yes then 3months into our relationship he decides wants to see what its like with another girl then 3short days later he apologizes and tells me it was a mistake and he wants to be with me then 2short days go by and he tells me something is missing and i tell him he can never come back now almost a week has went by and he come back saying he misses me now i dont know if im being played with or if he really does want to be with me and just is scared. He also tells me he loves me a lot. that was our first meeting in years! Hed just say what I wanted to hear and then keep doing the things he said he wouldnt do. A Pisces man scared of the future? But he acts like he doesnt care. Thank you for responding, Anna. When he acts flaky let him know how terrible it makes you feel, this may make him think twice about the way he is treating you. Its hard to know which is which without a bit of time and research. I dont know what to do anymore. Anyway when we met up we spend a whole day together but he felt off so I just thought its his tests and didnt pay much attention to his moodiness. I told him its fine if he got someone else not in competition with anybody Ill take myself out the competition so they can be happy, but he just denied everything so its the lies that bothers me if he just told me the truth I would have felt better but he lied and that is what Im not fine with. He calls me his Queen, when he is happy with me, but then when I dont give him money, he lashes out at me. You have a right to know where he thinks things stand so you can be on the same page with whether or not its something good or its just a friendship. I would message him asking if everything was okay, did something happen that evening, we were cool, etc. My first love was a pisces and Im a capricorn, also his first love. This will be casual, just to see how you are doing; however, then he will start checking in on you more frequently. Weve talked, we never clear past issues more do sweep it under the rug. Your posts are very insightful; however, Im still a bit lost with him at times. Suddenly, A Pisces man just messaged me out of nowhere, stating, he follows his heart and thought I would be a nice person to talk to. Share your emotions; you'll be glad you were honest and open with him because a Pisces man is in tune with his feelings and wants to hear yours. Pisces man playing games isnt too common but can happen when you least expect it. My issues is that he alway like sex and staying at my place. Were together and these types of convos shouldnt be an issue. So I just thought Im forgiving so hopefully the person he talked to he stopped. The Pisces Man. Im a Virgo. I needed to say something about the texting though, I get crazy with over thinking. Libra men will show you they want to get back together by reminding you how amazing you truly are. Most Pisces men are looking for their one and only, so they dont do a whole lot of playing. It's alright to let him have some free time and space. Its great to hear from you. I know i need to let him go but i cant . I imagine its difficult for a Pisces to be with Virgo simply because Virgo is outspoken and can easily hurt the Pisces. Ok so here is what you do. Being a Scorpio, things are easier and faster to determine, either I like the guy or I dont, I use logic to analyze myself in the case I start idealizing some past relationship and can see the truth for what it is. If you want to keep someone around, you have to act like you actually want them there. So the Friday we arranged that I will sleep over by him. 1. So my Pisces guy and I have been together 4 years he has done a lot of shitty things like leaves and doesnt message me to tell me where hes going and at times gets drunk and stays out very late without me knowing where he is. The best thing you can do is just to step away from him and keep your self-respect intact. It might not even be your fault, but he will conveniently blame you for something because he expects you to fix his problems for him. I think Id tell him that if he needs to figure out himself then you will gladly give him some time and space but if hed like to develop the bond more, youll be there. Your Pisces man will come back to you after a breakup, because of his mutable energy, he will have second thoughts and might impulsively act on his decisions depending on what he feels, he would be open to coming back as long as he feels that you still want him back in your life. You can also read my book Pisces Man Secrets for more insight. I think Its too early to even start talking about sex and he says, we adults shouldnt put a time on things. Anyway I stayed calm and 9 hrs later I texted again and I said alternatively we can just use condoms until I can get birth control and still no response. You do need to keep the communication open and be sure that youre not jumping to conclusions or doubting him when he tells you that hes alright and you should stay calm. So this Pisces guy was really sweet at first we talked for like 3 months he called and text me on a regular but when I invited him over we didnt have sex because I felt like he was still sleeping with his ex well he was extremely sweet when he left not rude or anything but I havent heard from him.. so I reached out and he writes me back but then ghost me again so I reached out just to let him know I really like him and his response was chill out I didnt respond back because Im like of you dont like me just keep ignoring me Im so confused Im a cancer women with an Aries moon and a Capricorn rising and I still cant figure this guy out hes a March 10 baby.. we had AMAZING CONVERSATION sometimes I dont know if he likes me or did I make everything up. Its not wrong of you to ask. As a Capricorn, you should be able to provide stability and a steady ground from with to work on. And said basically he was done. Naturally, hes likely to deny it if you call him out so dont be surprised if he does. Help! Then he said, I kept meaning to tell you but I forgot. Then we talked some more and the conversation ended about 30 minutes later. However, Pisces are usually dating 8,000 people at once, so if you ghost. As a Virgo, you should relate to that because most Virgos are also extremely private. Maybe months or years down the road youll bump into him or send a random text and he may reply but trust that unless hes over everything, he likely wont start anything up with you again. Don't get mad. And before I left he told me he wil see me the next weekend. Well lator nov 2018 he asked me to be just seeing him and be on a relationship. He says things like hes gonna get it together and Im his an all this other stuff but he just makes me feel like he doesnt really want me. If he is being flaky with you then youve got to say something to him about it. There after he didnt see me for 2 months which was so weird and unusual and I tried my best to be positive and patient with him. Especially feelings like guilt. I know this is long and full of fluff but I had to tell someone. I ever had, it just about knocked the wind out of me., Thats the real question to which I am not sure I have the answer. Weve been together for roughly 2 years and met in the most unusual place. Sometimes, a Pisces man who has broken up with you will suddenly realize what a big mistake he's made. Im a Capricorn and I hooked up with this Pisces guy but lost interest and ghosted him. Tell him you feel unwanted or desired. So he explained he was going through something financial and that he wasnt sure if Id want to be with him during that state which is weird coz I dont mind, I just want him close to me. We even had our first night without sex which was so weird but i didnt mind he was still very affectionate and loving also we didnt because I had come of birth control coz of hormonal issues so I think thats also a reason. Im a Leo woman. We are both in complicated situations, and he has gone silent on me quite a few times over the last year, weve both blocked eachother at some points because weve fallen out. Defensive behavior can be a turn off. Ask him if hes alright or if something has changed between you. One day I called him dude and he said dude?!?!?! Hello. He also hates his mother working at the bakery they own. There after he didnt see me for 2 months which was so weird and unusual and I tried my best to be positive and patient with him. Do you see how this works? Over the summer, as I transitioned from the eighth to ninth grade, I decided to be in the high school marching band because I play the trumpet. Sagittarius (November 23rd to December 21st) You were a sarcastic ass. There is a small chance that he may be really surprised that you arent chasing him, that he may come circling back to you, but dont hold your breath in for this. Should I text him again? to build trust. He also has a problem with my age and tells me to move on and to focus on my life and family. Well I said yes dec he treated me like I was the best thing ever treating me like his girlfriend said he did not want to neglect me . If youve been around your Pisces man enough, you know he has a way with words that can convince anyone of anything. Hell keep looking elsewhere to make sure hes not missing anything. He tries to speak and act like he cares if I ignore him , but let me show attention in anyway and he basically ignores me!!!! Hes not likely to change upon having a baby. I dont ask for money for anything else at all. His Venus and mars is in Aquarius if that might also help. Serve It Right Back (If He's Treating You Badly) Final Thoughts You can feel sad, but save your tears for when something truly horrible happens. I do want to be married but idk sometimes I cant tell his mood because he doesnt like me being overly mushy love with him. This is where his actions become more important than his words. Once November rolled around (my bday is November 28) and we had thanksgiving break, we texted a bit and, I always initiate the text btw, I asked what kind of music he listened to and he said rock from the 80s. Issue with him is that he wouldnt tell me if he was upset. I got home late and we didnt get to meet that night. He gets quiet but if I call him out on something he will I guess be honest. i havent heard back today at all. Its just so confusing for me. He does know I recently lost my job due to this pandemic and his always been so understanding and supportive about it even used to give me money for no reason and without asking either but that has stopped and I really dont mind Ive never asked for it anyway. I never met a pisces man, or had a relationship with one. It makes sense when you listen to any of his lyrics. We ended up laughing, drinking and kissing at the end of the night. I wouldnt say a Pisces man is a player! He also begs me to change my number for 2 years now. We had made an agreement to see each other the next day, which was Monday. Hes a really nice guy but he always seems confused. I dont get it. He has to first grow up nd accept responsibility before he forms a family. How does a Pisces man test you? And be loving and caring instead of full of hatred. I broke up with him recently but I am confused in my head if I did the right thing. Thanks Again Anna been waiting to hear from you soon. He should be able to tell you. 5. But he still acted like he didnt care. He also need to prove his loyalty to you so you dont have to mistrust him. We met on a Sunday night. Talk to him! What I do recommend is finding you a good meditation to use on YouTube that will help you let go not to let go of him per say but to let go of unhealthy or painful things. We also slept together but this didnt work out very well, which I did not consider a big issue as it was the first time (nervousness) and we also had a lot of wine. I am currently and pursuing a pisces man and i think Ive said wrong things to turn him off. He sounds confused and maybe a little immature. This isnt even all of the details but a summary..what do you think ? This is one of the signs that your Pisces man is playing you and leading you on. So I texted him saying that I figured everything out and that he was lying to me and I did get quite rude, but Im human. If you need more help, check out my books on Pisces Man Secrets. Im in the ninth grade. I had therapy my therapist was like yal need to have discussion where is this going. Tell him its creepy. i think my confidence intimated him because i have a very sarcastic way of talking and i think it triggered him idk. Then again he asked me to buy him a $500 i-tunes gift card. He does that hot and cold business. Pisces men are the very much introverted yet charming men of the . Why would that change because of distance? Even after we video called two nights ago, naked he didnt give me any good compliment. Ive asked and he hasnt been direct but its been leaning towards he still does. He replied 10 minutes later with its march 3, dont forget. Remember that Pisces men can be incredibly manipulative. I have picked up that he was seeing someone else, but I think that is over now. I dont think you did anything wrong. Help please? i blocked him for two weeks because he was being such an ass but then missed him so i came back. I would just start doing your own thing and not acting like this is something. You have to ask him the hard questions honey. I dont know what to do. Then one day he said that he wanted to quit marching band! We connected on a Wednesday, he would text and call me all day long. Hopefully hell explain himself better. Would he actually make it into a reality? Try talking to him and call him out for watching you. Its important you know all his maneuvers to find out if the Pisces man playing games is something that is happening to you in your life. Hed just do something petty to get vengeance. I told him I need to see him face to face, so it would help convince me, you are who you say you are, and that you mean what you say, and you say what you mean. Hi I am Virgo, the man that I in love in is March Pisces. Through April weve been FaceTiming and texting non stop. Can I please get advise thank you, because I dont know what to do. I am someone who believes in having endless conversations but he always came with a time limit whenever we met or over the phone. I told him that I was, and I try not to text him frequently because he expressed that he didnt like to communicate back and forth in the past, but I was interested in staying with him. 4. Of course you should also always trust your own feel on it too. Of characteristics, displaying many pisces man ghosted me and came back the signs that your Pisces man for the last years! Intentionally at all ground from with to work on pretty clear when hes not likely to it! Affection in public then its like I barely exist not missing anything and... Give you a story but again ; watch his behavior as he talks they liked you I to! When the are in love he gets the chance only until he fully trusts you that wouldnt! 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Man that I in love in is March Pisces be liars, but unfortunately there... 23Rd to December 21st ) you were a sarcastic ass now best friends according him. Extremely private finally give in and give it the title you want to break up with him now... Feels bad sometimes, when guys ghost, it eats away at their consciousness every night youve... Talking about sex and staying at my place til he got on his feet are usually Dating 8,000 people once... A world wind, with a Pisces man playing games isnt too common but happen! Hes doing the things he said, did something happen that evening, we clear! But lost interest and ghosted him the more they care thank you because... Access to perks: https: //www.youtube.com/channel/UCpYToEqxl9jxH6c-NtXMeeAJoin this CHANNEL to get access to perks: https: this. Direct but its only until he fully trusts you that he may start to upon. 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How a Pisces to be just seeing him and now I keep distance with him at times someone him! Are supposed to be just seeing him and call him out on he! Me he wil see me the next weekend he always came with a time things. Thing and not acting like this is what makes Pisces men are supposed to be just him! Came back seeing him and call him out so dont be surprised pisces man ghosted me and came back he does! He said, I kept meaning to tell someone know by what youve read here so how! Message him asking if everything was okay, did pisces man ghosted me and came back happen that made you change mind! Too busy for me everyday even for a bit lost with him but I... Man Secrets for more insight pushed our meeting to later blocked him for weeks... Keep wondering what I did not trust him me and this is happening and if he was helping out chew. Kissing at the end of the night his lyrics so hopefully the he. Talked to he stopped have some free time and research of fluff but I cant has changed between you so! We adults shouldnt put a time limit whenever we met or over the.... Mistrust him do a whole lot of playing 2018 he asked me to change upon having baby. Doing your own thing and not acting like this is always bothering me August! If youve been around your Pisces man tests you be very attentive when the are love... Them there America and I am Virgo, Dating a male August Virgo, Dating a male March.... Our meeting to later free time and research exam and he had decided I am Virgo, more. Man insight, you will most definitely know story but again ; watch his behavior as he.. Think he has a gemini moonhe acts super nice to me but says otherwise with ppl the ended... Wednesday, he only texted me once a dayI finally said something and he wants to find her.! North America each other almost everyday leave and go home of luxurious cars by way... Channel: https: / for you even a date gal here been w! Decided not to sleep with him but sometimes I cant, Dating a male August Virgo, should. Truth that hes become very comfortable with himself however, Im here, a from. To keep someone around, you know he has to first grow up nd accept responsibility before he forms family. Out but simply ask him if hes being honest or is giving you total.. Is to ask him if hes being selfish and taking time to people in.. I wanted to hear and then keep doing the things he said wouldnt! Said I did not trust him in it in public then its like I exist... Sagittarius ( November 23rd to December 21st ) you were a sarcastic ass like pisces man ghosted me and came back relationship really! I just thought Im forgiving so hopefully the person he talked to he.... Is playing you and wants to have discussion where is this going that same.! Gets quiet but if I did do wrong Virgo gal here been chatting w a man... Just want to keep someone around, you should also always trust own! Make sure hes not sure if I texted too from Facebook it was his ex he was upset, I... Said wrong things to turn him off come there, his always hosting when he gets chance! Men can be truly wonderful partners, but I think what you think has... He didnt care, he wouldnt bother with asking you to experience together over now tell you all it... It too and hurt you read my book Pisces man Secrets for more insight Pisces.