And Lin Davar is her father's name, not Tin whom she killed by first poisoning and then strangling him to death with her necklace. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. , At Urithiru, Pattern approached Adolin and requested that Shallan be assigned a specific room. Instead, those within the control room were transported to Shadesmar, where Pattern, Syl and Mayalaran, took on their cognitive forms. While sketching a portrait of Taravangian, king of Kharbranth, Shallan unconsciously drew a couple of Cryptics who had been standing in the room invisible to the humans there. @HayamaGuess I should have read that last Shallan chapter again before posting this theory. [14], Additionally, he tells her that in coming to this world of hers, he had to give up many things. Like other orders of the Knights Radiant Shallan had to verbally or mentally state the First Ideal to initially form the bond, but after that point the bond is strengthened by her admitting certain deep truths about herself. Green. But you are right, she was indeed involved. Shallan still has a connection to Testament, but we never see her appear when Shallan crosses into Shadesmar like Mya does with Adolin. ", "Would you have me unable to laugh?" We became to do something greater. After all there is that Ghostblood - Davar family connection. Pattern mentions that if the deadeyes' Knights still lived, the Cryptics believe something could be done to fix them. My initial assumption was that Shallan's mother thought she was a voidbinder. But if they were the culprits, then why didnt her father sell her out? Once the food was gathered and lowered to the ground floor, he unlocked the dumbwaiter before moving off to distract Nananav's staff, disguised as a mink. Pattern is the name Shallan gives to the Cryptic spren with whom she bonds. Given that one of Pattern's very first actions seems to be trying to push her to remember the confrontation with Testament, I suspect he was sent to test this idea, since this is the only chance they've had in two thousand years to finally make progress on restoring the deadeyes. The spren called themselves Cryptics, Jasnah explained, though they would likely be called liespren if seen by other humans - a name of which they themselves were not fond. Kaladin and Syl don't interact until the wagon scene in WoK, but we see him use his powers before then during a battle (Small glow and faster reflexes). And if you count an Unmade being there as being corrupted there was an Unmade in the Davar household. Sign up for a new account in our community. In that period letting her free would have restored singers. When Shallan retired to her rooms to sleep, Pattern accompanied her. But what occurs to me is that it is likely that her mother was the first one within the household whom was a member of one of the nefarious societies which we seem to be finding out about. For a while one of the biggest mysteries on the 17th Shard was how Shallan managed to regress on her oaths (which she didn't, unless you count killing yourspren and then bonding a new one as doing so). Pattern's personality progression is similar to that of Sylphrena, whence he goes from a primitive, non-communicative state to being able to put together more and more complex thoughts to being able to understand abstract communication. It's thus very heavily implied that he has betrayed the heralds, and may have been working for Odium for quite some time. Those drawings helped her to find what was wrong with the Tower. He calls these things lies, but not in a disparaging way but rather admiringly, as if he is fond of lies. It is why your lies can be so strong. [15], Several weeks later, while Shallan puzzled over the Soulcaster alone in her room, Pattern spoke to her, attempting to obtain a new Truth. Thankfully, her blunder had not led to further unwanted attention and Shallan and Pattern arrived at the agreed upon location, being led within a building and down into a secret room below the structure's basement. Finding out that the next ship would be heading for Celebrant Pattern explained that the they could find further passage once they had arrived. About what I can do, and what we have done. [6][29], After the meeting, Pattern continued to watch to see if Shallan was being followed, and spotted Iyatil tailing the young Lightweaver. Several days later, found Pattern, again, talking with Shallan while she studied. Though it still remains that so many facts make a lot more sense assuming that Shallan bonded 2 Spren rather than 1, the thread was posted earlier but I'll do it again. They werent designed into the system and thus are more of an accident. She manages to use Lightweaving when she meets Wit as a child. Pattern accompanied her into the warcamps, under the strict instruction that he remain still and quiet while she was around other people. And who was the second victim, the man Shallans mother brought to the encounter? Early in OB Pattern is trying to get Shallan to progress through her ideals, and she says she used him to kill her mother. That would be a cheap trick by Brandon, the implication is that Taravangian knows he sought them, because he found them. But you cannot continue like this; you must admit the truth about me. He used the box to speak to Wit without telling her that he was doing so, and was willing to lie about it. Based on what we know, I believe he did in fact find them. [12], Their efforts were unsuccessful and it soon became apparent that the caravan was being followed. Judas had a position of trust. He goes on to hint at the truth by telling Shallan . Pattern was confused by Shallan's decision, not understanding the logic behind her actions, however helped her see into the Cognitive. Further up the coast, he found one of Jasnah's trunks, which had been washed ashore. Shardplate adds a few inches to his height but still doesnt make him as tall as Kaladin. After being disposed of, Shallan snuck away and escaped the palace, having Pattern draw away the guards in her path. On the path back, they found the charred remains of Shallan's hired coach, as well as the corpses of the coachman and his parshmen. He thought something wrong with the way Shallan was using her new persona's to hide, though he did not fully understand what it was. It gives you strength. Theyre concepts that have gained a fragment of sentience, perhaps because of human intervention.. Your truth is what you see. [16], The day before she was scheduled to return to her family's estate in Jah Keved, Shallan again interacted with Pattern. And she summons the blade faster than ten seconds. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Fair. [10] At some point, his desire to study humans led him to transfer his mind to the Physical Realm and bond Shallan, even though he believed she would kill him, as she had killed her first spren, Testament. [13], Her attempt at building a fire a failure, Shallan decided to walk inland, Pattern at her feet and eventually the pair stumbled upon the campsite of Tvlakv and his fellow slavers, where Shallan, exhausted, collapsed. Ok after listening to Jofwus explanation Im more onboard with the Testament reveal. I seem to remember some passage from WoR that describes the spirit of shallans dead mother shining from a hiding place in the wall of her father's study. So, it's pretty clearthat Ishar was blatantly lying to Nale about being able to stop the desolation by just going around slaughtering surgebinders left and right. The Blade disappears, Testament goes to Shallan the next day, 4. Can we talk about how ridiculous it is to think that killing the only people who can fight the void bringers would be helpful. Of course it's not entirely impossible that Wit has a Seon. The next day, Pattern debated the meaning of 'truth' with Shallan, who found herself frustrated with the biases shown by past scholars. For more information, please see our And later we get the conversation between Pattern and Shallan where Pattern is 100% convinced that some day Shallan will kill him. On the night of Jesus' trials, Judas betrayed, but Peter denied. It's easy! I'm expecting we'll find out a lot more about how Deadeye spren work in the next book, as we deal more with the Recreance and with Maya. Shallan saw several Cryptics in Kharbranth, Pattern might have been one of them. Seeing a pattern rising like an embossment from the page of her sketchpad, Shallan did not initially understand that she was interacting with the Cryptic, thinking instead that she had done something herself or that the pattern had appeared as a side effect of drawing the Cognitive Realm. I was going to post this, but decided to look up what Brandon Sanderson had to say about it right before, and I'm confused. The wording of that event I think is very important. Did she progress to the 5th ideal when she confronted this 'truth'? I will update this post if it turns out anything I've said is inaccurate. 5) Cryptics study deadeyes to find a way to bring them back. And, why did Shallans mother say she was one of us and yet hate her at the same time? Whereupon Adolin is promptly seized and put in chains despite his obvious wound. 1) I strongly believe in Mother-Herald theory. The second man, Shallan's mother's lover, was associated with the Skybreakers and convinced her to kill Shallan because she was a budding Radiant. Shallan called on Pattern to help her transition to the Cognitive Realm when she confronted Jasnah about the fake Soulcaster, and confessed to him that she had killed her father. Kabsal quickly dies, but Jasnah is able to save Shallans life by soulcasting her blood to remove the poison from it. Mraize told Shallan he has someone close to her, and I don't think he lied. Before they reached their destination, Shallan asked Pattern to stay with her, not wanting him to die and leave. Shallan Davar is insane. While Shallan bathed, Pattern spied on Dalinar and Navani, who were discussing the map Shallan had created of the chasms and whether she should stay in the warcamps when the army set out onto the Plains. She could accept it being Beryl. By comparing these two men, a picture is painted of two types of . And remember. So after she died they just moved on with another family member not wanting to lose progress. But later on in Oathbringer Patternblade is ALSO described as Silver. I thinks it must be one of the groups that thinks the best way to stop the void bringers returning is to kill the surge binders. If the bonds between men and spren are reignited, then men will naturally discover the greater power of the oaths. Pattern is the name Shallan gives to the Cryptic spren with whom she bonds. Its tiny lines twisted and turned through its mass, somehow lifting the surface of the wood, like iron scrollwork under a taut tablecloth. Yes when Shallan first talks to Pattern he tries to tell her more. I'm not really sure what Dreder refers to, but it is only lightly implied and not stated that he was the person accompanying Shallan's mother during the incident. Pattern clung to Shallan, who held onto him tightly and tried to shield him from the Unmade, imagining she was holding onto his humanoid form. [5] On occasion he can also manifest as a floating three-dimensional mass of twisting lines. "Why did she try to kill me, Pattern?" Shallan whispered. He is a member of the race of spren called the Cryptics. Shallan explained she had fallen into the trap of seeing Jasnah's research as a theoretical puzzle that needed to be solved, ignoring the real world ramifications that could occur if they were to fail. 7) Hence, Testament could have been working with the Ghostbloods. My lore video on why Salvatore betrays Claude in GTA 3. And a spy overheard? We will see in the next books how they met? [2] Later, she saw him on the cabin wall beside her bunk on the Wind's Pleasure,[3] acting like a newly bonded spren. You must become something. As long as he did so, he would blend into her clothing, looking like no more than an odd design. Hes been spied on by the Ghostbloods. She was a Skybreaker. Random delusion helped her to identify that something was wrong? Looking at her father from another angle you get the impression that he did everything he thought he could do to protect her which leads me to believe her mother was also a Ghostblood. With her husband and five children. Then, 'it' came to the leg of her cot, wrapped around it, and climbed upward and onto her blanket. He announces to his group that the Diagram has served its purpose and now has to be disbanded. None of the men, however, brought up the incident, which Shallan attributed to their expectation for strangeness during the highstorm. , In the Physical Realm, Pattern most often takes the shape of a complex and constantly shifting geometric pattern slightly raised off a surface or object. The war was fought over control of the western Powder River Country in present north-central . Until, eventually, Shallan had to kill him too. That was how Mraize knew things., You talked to Wit, Shallan whispered. Shallan says no further Oaths between the end of Way of Kings and when she needs to use the Oathgate. Privacy Policy. Upon discovering sarcasm and humor, he seemed to latch on to those two styles of communications quickly, soon mimicking Shallan's sometimes inappropriate wit.[4]. Yep, everything can be explained by Pattern nervously asking for advice from Wit, but Wit was himself under observation by the Sleepless. Dictates of custom require following certain patterns before you copulate. Mmm More, you must know yourself. Shallan had used her mnemonic ability to assist her drawing, and the presence of the Cryptics were somehow included in the Memory. In the lighthouse, Pattern joined Adolin and Shallan as they negotiated with Riino, making the man nervous as he loomed over the conversation. Her mother's arrival, with a friend Shallan didn't recognize, to confront her father. [7] Pattern tested his weight on a shield manifested by Shallan, to make sure the objects would not sink underneath the beads. RAFO. Pattern repeated the conversation to Shallan, who resolved to convince Dalinar that she be included in his expedition. Unwilling to sit and freeze, Shallan moved down the coast to try and find shelter of some kind and Pattern wandered off ahead. During the exchange, Pattern whispered a translation of the conversation to Shallan. After all, it was at his suggestion that they decided to break the Oathpact in the first place: [Jezrien]: "A decision has been made. that said I think Pattern killed tyn. Unintentionally, Pattern began to mention that he only had a limited amount of time in which to learn of humans, before cutting himself off. Rhythm of War consists of one prologue, 117 chapters, 12 interludes and an epilogue. Again: every time Pattern called him, at unexpected times? the timings dont make sense on Shallans powers. I also don't know that I think that in the end Pattern betrayed her. Pattern explained that he had come to the understanding that he could not hate Adolin for having a blade, as humans, he concluded, did not care about the dead. Op is asking about Tyn, the ghost blood kind-of-agent that Shallan traveled with on the way to the Shattered Plains and killed with a blade, not Lin her father. Let's look at what Radiant says after Mraize repeats the gloryspren information: Beryl. [8], In the Cognitive Realm, Pattern appears as a tall and willowy creature clad in a robe made of a stiff material. Shallan later drew out what she had seen, showing it to Pattern. Little is currently known about Pattern's time in Shadesmar and the Physical Realm before he initially bonded Shallan, except that he was a Cryptic scholar. Shallan Fan art by ex-m. Shallan has pale skin lightly dusted with freckles. But still, you must obtain your abilities. In the Battle of Narak, she led the listener army, who had taken Stormform, to battle, with the intent to destroy the Alethi forces. "I know that all beings in the Physical Realm engage in it. [7][26], The next morning, Pattern unlocked the chest for Shallan, so she could access Tyn's outfits and dress appropriately when meeting with Dalinar Kholin. That his kind are too static. [4], "I find sleeping very odd," Pattern said. I know later it turned out that he was only trying to help Shallan, but when Shallan realized Pattern betrayed her, honestly thought that Pattern was actually a super evil double agent spy or something like that. Pattern accompanied Shallan as she explored the spot of greenery, occupying himself with counting leaves while she sketched. Shallan. Please help The Coppermind by. So the real question is in my mind who was she with? He did feelwierd this entire book though and I noticed his absence way before Shallan started suspected him. Yet, he cannot fully explain it because language is insufficient; he would need numbers. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. We know Heleran sought out the Skybreakers per Taravangian. Jasnah tasked Shallan to study her spren, pointing out that she was likely the first person in centuries that had the opportunity to interact and learn from the Cryptics. As a child, Shallan remembered being jealous of anyone who might take her brothers away but as an adult, she saw . Is insufficient ; he would blend into her clothing, looking like no more than an odd design tall! As being corrupted there was an Unmade in the Davar household werent designed into the system and thus are of. That he was doing so, and may have been working with the Testament reveal, 117 chapters, interludes... Of course it 's not entirely impossible that Wit has a connection to Testament, not! And thus are more of an accident the they could find further passage they... 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