biological, social and cognitive influences on gender development

Mothers modeled this behavior, and children later began to model the same behavior. For example, they may talk to daughters more about emotions and have more empathic conversations, whereas they may have more knowledge and science-based conversations with boys (Bussey, 2014). Other factors: Although there is strong evidence for a biological component to gender, other factors - such as cognitive factors and social learning - likely play a role as well. Summarize four major theories explaining gender development, namely, social learning theory, neurophysiological bases, cognitive developmental theory, and gender schema theory. Additionally . We begin to see boys and girls segregate in their play, based on gender, in very early years. In the womb, around the eighth week of pregnancy, the presence of the hormone testosterone determines whether a baby is born with male or female genitalia. Freud proposes that children develop their gender through the Oedipus complex. Bandura posits three major types of influences that operate to promote gender role development: (1) modeling (observing gender-relevant conceptions and behaviors from a wide range of sources, including family members, peers, teachers, and the media), (2) enactive or direct experience (gender-relevant learning related What is gender biologically? In terms of gender development, what happens as a childs cognitive abilities develop? In the Phallic stage, the penis (or absence thereof) is the focus of the libido, and thus, will be the focus of the conflict that must be resolved in that stage. 2 Genderfluidity is a concept that is becoming known in today's society. Freud considered the talking cure of Anna O. to be the origin of psychoanalytic therapy and what would come to be called the cathartic method. Sex refers to an individual's biological status as either male or female (or hermaphrodite). Define and describe gender schema theory. The biological changes are discussed in Chapter 5. However, if the truck is handed to a girl, she may quickly reject it (Dinella, 2017). (2011 ) social environment impacts the development of gender identity. Clarify biological factors and how they relate to gender in psychology. This is the feeling of inferiority due to ones sex. As such, the idea was that one must uncover these subconscious events through talk therapy. Boys also tend to use more threats and physical force whereas girls do not prefer this type of play. Sigmund Freuds Psychosexual Theory. In this module, we will focus on various theories that have attempted to explain gender development. ), or if they were overly threatened by females in their family (especially their mothers), they may develop contempt for their own gender. Over 10 million students from across the world are already learning smarter. This is modeling and you modeled the behavior of the person ahead of you. Social factors include ideas regarding gender roles conveyed by family, authority figures, mass media, and other influential people in a child's life. Lets answer some of those questions. (McLeod, 2008). The complex is described as unconscious tension in which a young boy is preoccupied with his mother and hates his father, viewing him as a rival. How we acquire gender identity. A lot of the research that is used to support the theory is conducted using interviews on young children, which makes demand characteristics more likely. Psychopathology is defined as the study of mental illness. Lastly, socio-cognitive explanations propose that we have changed our environment, and that we have changed in the environment in which natural selection occurs. Society has built particular images that display what a girl/boy should be like. The model, formulated by Kohlberg, asserts that children recognize their gender identity around age three but do not see it as relatively fixed until the ages of five to seven. We will discuss a few of those briefly but will focus more on major concepts and generally accepted processes. Cognitive approaches focus on our thought processes and how they explain our behaviour and certain psychological phenomena. We will begin by taking a look back to the very beginning psychoanalytic theories. Initially developed by Sigmund Freud between 1890 and 1930, the psychodynamic approach focuses on how our unconscious thoughts and drives influence our behaviour. To explain this, social cognitive theory posits that one has enactive experiences (this is essentially when a person receives reactions to gendered behavior), direct instruction (this is when someone is taught knowledge of expected gendered behavior), and modeling (this is when others show someone gendered behavior and expectations). It is present at birth, completely unconscious, and operates on the pleasure principle, resulting in selfishly seeking immediate gratification of our needs no matter what the cost. 60 terms. Well, really, it is due to the areas of the brain that are impacted. Earn points, unlock badges and level up while studying. We can be genetically predisposed to many things such as mental illness, cancer, heart conditions, etc. Thompson (1975) and Munroe et al. The infant is born into a gendered world! ; McLeod, 2008). when are cognitive approaches considered to have begun? The three major theories of gender are known as the Learning Theory, The Social Learning Theory, and the Cognitive Development Theory. The idea is that we use schemas about gender to guide our behaviors and actions. We took a detailed look into various socializing factors that children encounter. We are then changing the environment that defined what behaviors/assets were necessary to survive. This desire then leads to a strong fear that his father will ultimately castrate him due to his attraction to his mother, which is known as castration anxiety. So, what does this have to do with Freuds stages and theory? Cognitive processes bring changes to the individual's thought, intelligence, and language. It is thought that gender, from a biological theory begins in the fetal stage. Essentially, the groups with the strongest DNA that allowed for the best traits for survival, survived. In contrast, Thanatos, our death instinct, is either directed inward as in the case of suicide and masochism or outward via hatred and aggression. Critics suggest that, although biology may play some role in gender identity development, the environmental and social factors are perhaps more powerful in most developmental areas, and gender identity development is no different. Traditionally, there are three main psychological explanations of how we navigate the path to gender identity. Upload unlimited documents and save them online. The Oedipus complex and phallic stage. If a child has created a schema that says boys play with trucks, when the boy is handed a truck, he will quickly choose to play with it. Horney developed a Neo-Freudian theory of personality development that recognized some points of Freuds theory as acceptable, but also criticized his theory as being overly biased toward the male. Clarify how psychoanalysis relates to gender development. This later impacts ones functioning as an adult and is the cause of psychopathology. These labels allow children to form in-groups and out-groups, in this case, boys and girls. Biological Psychological And Social Factors This book looks at causative reasons behind creative acts and stylistic expressions. Personality develops over five distinct stages in which the libido focuses on different parts of the body. Others incorporate modeling into their theory with some caveats. Biological influences include. DES was designed to mimic estrogen, and it does; however, it has many negative side effects that estrogen does not. The book's current empirical focus is complemented by a lively and readable style that includes anecdotes about children's everyday experiences. Freud believed that consciousness had three levels 1) consciousness which was the seat of our awareness, 2) preconscious that included all of our sensations, thoughts, memories, and feelings, and 3) the unconscious, which was not available to us. Here is the interesting part: modeling does not just stop after the immediate moment is over. gender labelling (ages 2-3), gender stability (age 4) and gender consistency (ages 6-7). Lets quickly recap basic biology. 3.6: Cultural and Societal Influences on Child Development is shared under a not declared license and was authored . The two cognitive theories of development are the Kohlbergs theory (1966) and the gender schema theory (1981). This is specifically true for girls as young as 18-24 months; however, boys do not show this quite as early (Serbin,Poulin-Dubois, Colburne, Sen, & Eichstedt, 2001). What is a methodological issue associated with conducting interviews with child participants? When testosterone is low, the baby grows female sex organs, and its brain does not undergo significant gendered changes. Sometimes referred to as the Electra Complex, Freud theorized that girls were upset and distressed that they had no penis (referred to as penis envy) and resented their mother for this. Outline potential strengths and weaknesses of these theories. Biological Influences influencing Gender Development : Anatomy [scientific study of male & female human body structures] ; Puberty [Adolescents transition to sexually mature reproductive adults] ; In fact, they found that this drug had cancer-related impacts out to three generations! However, by age 2, they show preferences. We receive much of our information about gender from models in our environment (think about all the factors we just learned about parents, media, school, peers). According to Kohlbergs theory of gender development, what do children develop at the age of three? Fig. They are a cheat sheet that makes things easier and quicker, essentially. Girls may also be oriented towards relationships and their appearance rather than careers and academic goals, if they are very closely identifying with traditional gender roles. In males, testosterone levels rise sharply, developing secondary sexual characteristics such as facial hair and a deeper voice. Likewise, they will criticize, and perhaps even reject a peer, when a peer engages in play that is inconsistent with gender expectations. Gender roles in development consist of biological, psychosexual, social learning and cognitive. Another theory combines the theory of social learning with cognitive theories (we will discuss cognitive theories below). Teacher: Phillips Warren Notes will help you get an A on every test 12 gender and sexuality biological, social, and cognitive influences on gender gender: Furthermore, 18-month-old babies associated bears, hammers, and trees with males. We will begin by taking a look back to the very beginning - psychoanalytic theories. Have all your study materials in one place. Think about the first moment someone says they are pregnant. You watch how they set it up, what they do, etc. Then we uncovered two cognitive-based theories Kohlbergs theory and gender schema theory. and girls are encouraged to play in ways that develop housekeeping skills (dolls, kitchen sets; Bussey, 2014). The Oedipus complex is traditionally used to describe the development of boys. Why do we consider multiple approaches when trying to explain something in psychology? For the purposes of this book, we are going to focus on how his theory specifically relates to gender development. This is because we do not just model behavior, we also monitor how others react to our behaviors. In 1935, Bertha was diagnosed with a tumor, and in 1936, she was summoned by the Gestapo to explain anti-Hitler statements she had allegedly made. Both theories rely heavily on the influence of parents. In order to come to its conclusions, the essay examines the two approaches to gender development. Human Brain Mapping 43(12): 3857-3872. Suppose we use the cognitive approach to explain gender and its development. Summarize what we know about biological, social, and cognitive influences on gender development. Roles of biological, social and cognitive influences on gender During the past years, sex and gender have been used interchangeably, but these uses are becoming increasingly different. We then jumped into social-based theories of social learning theory and social-cognitive theory. Just as there are biological influences on gender development, there are also social influences on gender development. Carol Martin and Charles Halverson developed the gender schema theory in 1981. According to Kohlberg's theory of gender development, this is when children develop the ability to label their gender and the gender of others. Breuer made daily visits and allowed her to share stories from her private theater, which she came to call talking cure or chimney sweeping. Many of the stories she shared were actually thoughts or events she found troubling and reliving them helped to relieve or eliminate the symptoms. Further, given that this came down to survival of the fittest it made sense to divvy up tasks and important behaviors. They focus on the ways in which children attend to and then process and organise this information, and have in common a justifiable emphasis on the active role of children in shaping their own development; they are not simply passive respondents to stereotyped information that is imposed upon them. Prenatal toxin exposure appears to be relevant when examining diethylstilbestrol (DES), specifically. Social learning theory. In two studies, children had difficulty remembering nontraditional and opposite-sex stimuli even when given additional interpretations (e.g. If a female was disappointed by males in her family (such as her father or brother, etc. For example, girls did better academically if their parents took this approach versus very gender-traditional families. So how do peers socialize gender? (2015) suggested using a This theory states that these social influences impact childrens development of gender understanding and identity (Bussey, 2014). Children are motivated by society's binary expectations to establish their gender identity. They found that the majority of children recalled photos displaying stereotypical gendered behaviours more accurately than photos displaying unconventional behaviours. Gender schema theory describes how gender identities develop based on our schemas about that aspect of ourselves and others. To carry out the required tasks, males needed higher androgens/testosterone to allow for higher muscle capacity as well as aggression. As children develop, parents tend to also continue gender-norm expectations. Third is nondeclarative motor learning, which heavily involves the cerebellum. Explain how the socialization of gender occurs. The superego is partly conscious but mostly unconscious, and part of it becomes our conscience. Moreover, an individual must recognize that gender remains constant over time, which is gender stability and across settings, which is gender consistency. Are there psychodynamic explanations for gender development. 64 terms. Well, non-conforming gender behavior (e.g., boys playing with dolls, girls playing with trucks) is often ridiculed by peers and children may even be actively excluded. (1984). She theorized that men tried to compensate for their inability to carry a child by succeeding in other areas of life (Psychodynamic and neo-Freudian theories, n.d.). Module 4 - Gender Through a Developmental Psychology Lens, Other Books in the Discovering Psychology Series, Module 1: Foundations of A Psychology of Gender, Module 2 - Studying Gender Using the Scientific Method, Module 3 - Gender Through a Social Psychological Lens, Module 5 - Gender Through a Human Sexuality Lens, Module 6 - Gender Through a Cognitive Psychology Lens, Module 7 - Gender Through a Physiological Psychology Lens, Module 8 - Gender Through a Health Psychology Lens, Module 9- Gender Through a Clinical Psychology Lens, Module 10 - Gender Through an Educational Lens, Module 11 - Gender Through an Industrial-Organizational Lens,,,,, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Test your knowledge with gamified quizzes. Thus, it appears that gender development in those exposed to DES, particularly males, is greatly impacted (Bevan, 2017). What methods are used in cognitive psychology? Do you think it happens very young? Before we get started, we want you to ask yourself a few questions When do we begin to recognize and label ourselves as boy or girl, and why? The social learning theory plays a major role in gender development. View more University Columbus State University Course Sociology Of Gender (SOCI 3129) Listed booksSociology: a Down to Earth Approach Uploaded by Cierra Goss Academic year2023/2024 The development of personality. Although interpretations and adherence to gender stereotypes is very rigid initially, as children get enter middle childhood, they learn more about stereotypes and that gender stereotypes are flexible and varied (Bussey, 2014). Which of these groups of people do children tend to consider more favourable than the other? Bertha (Anna O.) She also indicated that if females perceived that they had lost the love of their father to another woman (often to the mother) then the individual may become more insecure. The next step is learning that there are shared qualities and behaviors for each gender (Bussey, 2014). The following link provides a nice summary of how the two genders move through the Phallic Stage: . Excellent question. In general, media tends to portray males as more direct, assertive, muscular, in authority roles, and employed, whereas women tend to be portrayed as dependent, emotional, low in status, in the home rather than employed, and their appearance is often a focus. John Money's (1972) theory was that once a biological male or female is born, social labeling and differential treatment of boys and girls interact with biological factors to steer development. Thus, a gender schema is an outline about genders a template to follow regarding gender. Social cognitive theories of gender development explain and theorize that development is dually influenced by (1) biology and (2) the environment. Children get physical and psychological characteristics from their parents which becomes a part of their personalities. We then become models for others as well! Because most children desire to belong, they begin to identify with their gendered group, view it positively, and seek information about behaving more like members of their group. The motivating force in this theory is the maintenance of cognitive consistency and the need for self-definition. When participants act as they believe the researcher expects them to act rather than behave naturally. (2022) The sexual brain, genes, and cognition: A machine-predicted brain sex score explains individual differences in cognitive intelligence and genetic influence in young children. As our brains physically develop, our cognitive abilities also mature, meaning we are capable of more complex thought. The verbal recall component is the declarative component and the individual actually experiencing the events (not simply being told about them) is the episodic component. We will also learn about gender schema theory. This insecurity then would lead to either (1) withdrawal from competing or (2) becoming more competitive (Harris, 2016). For instance, the female and male genitalia are different both internally and externally. Gender and Aggression Genetic Origins of Aggression Genetic Research on Serotonin Genetical Research on Testosterone Genetics of Aggression Innate Releasing Mechanisms Institutional Aggression in The Context of Prisons Limbic System Media Influences on Aggression Neural and Hormonal Mechanisms in Aggression Serotonin Research This approach is based on cases where there is a discrepancy between biological sex and gender identity. However, recent studies suggest that 10% of registrants (in a national study) that were exposed to DES reported identifying as transgender or transsexual. Similarly, females need higher levels of estrogen as well as oxytocin, which encourages socialization and bonding (Bevan, 2017). As a result, Bussey and Bandura (1999) note that, "gender roles and notions arise from an extensive interaction of social factors involving different subsystems in the society" (p. 677). For example, Most girls dont like trucks. Essentially, parents provided extra commentary in the story, and that commentary tended to include vast generalizations about gender. In this section, we are going to focus on the social, environmental, and cultural aspects of gender identity development. Some studies support this theory, such as a 1993 study by Liben and Signorella in which 106 predominantly white children were shown stereotypical images of behaviours alongside neutral and non-stereotypical images. Demand characteristics: When participants act as they believe the researcher expects them to, rather than acting naturally. Outline strengths and weaknesses of these theories. The GFP model serves as a guiding framework for research on gender in the family context, calling for the integration of biological, social, and cognitive factors. Some people claim that a person's personality is inherited while others claim that the environment in which a person lives determines his/her personality. DES was prescribed to pregnant women in late 1940s through the early 1970s. Martin and Halverson's (1981) gender-schema theory focuses on the ways that gender schemas organize, bias, and regulate thinking, attention, and behavior. For years researchers have studied humans to determine if genetic or environmental factors have a more significant impact on a person's behavior. This theory also accounts for the entire lifespan when considering development, which is drastically different than earlier theories, such as psychodynamic theories, which focused on childhood and adolescence. Before we get into those areas, lets remember that we are talking about gender development. This then influences the child to conform more to gender-traditional expectations (e.g., boy stops playing with a doll and picks up the truck). However, in the Genital stage, Freud theorized that this is a time in which adolescents experiment sexually and begin to settle into romantic relationships. A child's interests and behavior is influenced by the parent or the authority . Think about that for a moment infants are recognizing and matching gender before they can ever talk! These are psychodynamic theory, social learning theory, and cognitive-developmental theory. Child Psych EXAM 3. Cognitive studies use various methods such as case studies, questionnaires, laboratory experiments, and interviews to find our thinking patterns and what they mean to us. Overall, it is widely accepted that there are two types of schemas that are relevant in gender schema theory superordinate schemas and own-sex schemas. Women have evolved to be the carers of children, whilst men have evolved to be the providers for their families. Men and women have different brain structures. However, each theory has a slightly different perspective on how that may occur. These theories can be generally divided into three families: biological, socialization, and cognitive. We will then take a very detailed look at various factors that impact gender socialization while also uncovering two common social theories social learning theory and social cognitive theory. Socially and culturally, clothing is symbolized identity for everyone. Schemas are abstract cognitive structures, like a mental toolbox containing information about various things. Students also viewed. This construction of in-group and out-group also leads children to view the out-group as negative and avoid behaviours associated with that group. As children watch and observe, they learn what behaviours are associated with the gender they identify with. A child may develop a schema about dogs that includes knowledge that dogs are furry creatures with four legs. Ultimately, until the Phallic stage, Freud viewed development to be the same for both boys and girls. Observation is one of our most important survival skills as humansChildrenen watch and observes those around us from a very young age m and, eventually, try to mimic them. What is the focus of cognitive approaches? Cognitive approaches focus on our thought processes, and how they can explain our behaviors and certain psychological phenomena. Our biological sex is determined at birth by our 23rd chromosome. Kohlberg theorised that as children develop cognitive skills, their understanding of their gender and that of the people around them increases. In the social cognitive theory of gender, children's gender develops through the rewards and punishments from their parents for gender-appropriate behavior. Overall, psychoanalytic theory focuses on very early life experiences. Martin, Eisenbud, and Rose (1995) conducted a study in which they had groups of boy toys, girl toys, and neutral toys. Still, we violate these values at times and experience feelings of guilt. Kohlbergs Cognitive Developmental Theory. Article. This approach assumes that we develop our gender identities around the age of five, which Freud calls the 'phallic stage', through specific crises he calls 'complexes'. This idea forms the basis for the two cognitive explanations of gender development we will explore in this section. Moreover, when considering print media, we know that there tends to be a focus on appearance, body image, and relationships for teenage girls, whereas print media tends to focus on occupations and hobbies for boys. The biological factors that impact the child's development significantly are, gender, physical health, mental health, and health practice. The social learning theory plays a major role in gender development. Module 4 - Gender Through a Developmental Psychology Lens by Washington State University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. With time, Anna O. did recover from her hysteria and went on to become a prominent member of the Jewish Community, involving herself in social work, volunteering at soup kitchens, and becoming House Mother at an orphanage for Jewish girls in 1895. We also get direct instruction on how to behave as well. In early childhood, peers are pretty direct about guiding gender-typical behaviors. The biological perspective is a way of looking at psychological issues by studying the physical basis for animal and human behavior. Research tends to indicate that teachers place a heavier focus, in general, on males this means they not only get more praise, they also receive more correction and criticism (Simpson & Erickson, 1983). This occurs somewhere between ages five and seven. Females in videogames tend to be sexualized and males are portrayed as aggressive (Stever, 2017; Torino, 2017). The last part of the personality to develop is the superego, which represents societys expectations, moral standards, rules, and represents our conscience. Biological factors that may influence gender identity include pre- and post-natal hormone levels and genetic makeup. She felt confined and suffocated in this life and took to a fantasy world she called her private theater. Anna also developed hysteria, including symptoms such as memory loss, paralysis, disturbed eye movements, reduced speech, nausea, and mental deterioration. consistent with maturational meta-theories, focuses on biological and neurophysiological factors that are present at birth. Biological, cognitive, and socioemotional processes are all connected in the developmental task of a baby smiling at his or her mother's touch. Horney disputed this (Harris, 2016). This could be because staying with like-minded people, such as members of your gender, was much safer than spending time with people very dissimilar to you (e.g., an unfamiliar group) because they would not have much incentive to raise you and help you survive. Abstract cognitive structures, like a mental toolbox containing information about various things times and experience feelings of guilt,. Explore in this section ( age 4 ) and the gender schema theory the social learning,... 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