daemon targaryen fanfiction

WebWINTER'S FLAME - DAEMON TARGARYEN Fanfiction "be by my side as I take the Iron Throne, my sweet lady Stark" marya stark had not been like other ladies at court. Daemon decided that Jaehaerys would Rule House Tyrell of Highgarden. WebRhaenyra Targaryen has a daughter and she grows up to become quite close with her uncle Aemond. He knew that and it bothered him, but not enough to refrain from competing. There was a small cradle with them, to place Aemond in whenever Marya wanted some rest, but most of the time she held her babe, nearing 2 moons now. And what happens when she tries her damndest to make sure her visions don't come true? WebThe Northern Dragon. And when Viserys Threatened to Cut out Deanerys Unborn child to Drogo, He remembered Daemon's Warning and gift. or in which rhaenyra realises she is failing in her duty as a sister and raises them when their mother no longer can. With ancient records from Dragonstone he discovered the Location of House Targayren's former Home in Valyria and the Vaults of the more Powerful Families, where Treasures were believed to still be. Echoes from one world can effect another, when people awake in Westeros as part of House Peverell waves will be created, futures might be changed and on the dawn of one of the most devastating wars in the country's history this could be all the greater. That man has all Younger Sibling Energy and absolutely no CHILL, Otto Hightower is a SHIT DAD AND A SHIT PERSON, Daemon Targaryen/Laena Velaryon (Daughter of Corlys), Faith of the Seven (A Song of Ice and Fire), I wasn't sure of Alicent's and Rhae's ages, Minor Daemon Targaryen/Viserys I Targaryen, Minor Alicent Hightower/Rhaenyra Targaryen, Minor Alicent Hightower/Viserys I Targaryen, Minor Daemon Targaryen/Rhaenyra Targaryen, implied past Alicent Hightower/Daemon Targaryen. It is written by user StrangerOrders on the Alternative History Forums, and Will the dance of the dragons tear them all apart? When she was born everyone was in awe of her. And Viserion's Bones would serve as apart of the Shrine dedicated to him. At some point you stopped trying to pretend you didn't like him. - TWIN FLAMES UNITE, THE DANCE OF THE DRAGONS IS A FRIGHT, THE HALF BEAST AND SMALL BEAST FALL TO THE RATS 7 Dawn-1000 3 yr. ago Daemon Revealed the true Origins of the Northern Monarchs Birth, and to prove it he Layed before Jon Snow Ten Dragon Eggs and placed each in a Fire and told Him to touch the Eggs in the Fire and reach out with his Heart and Mind to touch the Heart's and Minds of those in the eggs, when he feels an unexplainable feeling or rather a connection with hat Eggs Take hold of it and Go onto a Pyre. Daemon Sent five Thousand Unsullied, and two thousand Lannister Knights to Harlaw with Lucerys And his Dragon Aegron, while he and the remaining Unsullied not stationed at Orkmont would sail for Old Wyk with Victarion Greyiron to take the Holy Ironborn Island. Game of thrones Ultimate Fannon / Fanfiction Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. A beast so great that the vary heavens fall. [HOUSE OF THE DRAGON AU] Aegon II Targaryen and Viserra Velaryon's souls are intertwined. How will the war affect them? Jamie Carried the Valyrian Steel Sword Widow's Wail, while Daemon Carried the Valyrian Steel swords Blackfyre and Red Sister. The young Queen had been haunted by the death of each of her kin and as she took her last breath, she prayed for a second chance. Stories and legends concerning him reach far away, all the way to Westeros where they w rhaeghal. What is the second wife prepared to do for the throne? Daemon Targaryen was a claimant or possible claimant to the Iron Thrones during the Great Council of 101 AC. But after Rhaenyra publicly announced that she chose her first born daughter to be heir to iron throne and marry Jacaerys Velaryon, she starts questioning a lot of things. While Alinor gave birth to a Boy she Named Jaehaerys. Resurrection. Another boy, whom she had named Aemond, in spite of the King's wishes to name the babe Baelon for his father, or Jaehaerys for the late King. Cregan had written their father did leave a surprise for Aemond, what she did not. Ultimately Daemon's Warning of the Targaryen's Madness was well-founded and Drogo never forgotten the Words Daemon had said to him that day. Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence. More Game of thrones Ultimate Fannon / Fanfiction Wiki, Game of thrones Ultimate Fannon / Fanfiction Wiki. But what do you do when your beloved wife dies at the birth of your second daughter? But he became present, and protective. He personally engaged the Kingsguard In command, Gregor Clegane. but things cannot be kept hidden forever, and decisions must be made. /*# sourceMappingURL=https://www.redditstatic.com/desktop2x/chunkCSS/TopicLinksContainer.3b33fc17a17cec1345d4_.css.map*/ 9 | Words: 97,744 | Reviews: 461 | Favs: 1,347 | Follows: 1,644 | Updated: 8/4 | Published: 3/18 | id: 13525540 | Language: English | Genre: Adventure/Fantasy | Download: EPUB or MOBI, FanfictionBot2.0.0-beta | Usage | Contact ffnbot!ignore, The dance is not over by Antony444 is the fic about Baela Targaryen, Can someone tag the 3rd one. The Iron Bears were primarily a Naval Force while the Stone Eagles were more of a Heavy Calvary and Infantry Force The Stone Eagles Worked primarily for Volantis while the Iron Bears worked primarily for the Braavosi and it's Iron Bank.The two Companies would hire out quite cheaply in exchange for Braavosi Ships or Volanteene Infantry Weapons, Armor and Supplies. King Aegon III was sobbing and shaking not even pretending he wasn't falling apart. It was clear to everyone without words: Viserys I Targaryen wanted a son to take the iron throne after him. It was not Alicent Viserys married but her older sister Dyana Hightower. # 8. Varys Taught Him how to gather information, the use of a Dagger and other exotic Weapons. And things get even more delicate when she reunites with the man she was betrothed to in the past, Aemond Targaryen. Many tries were reported made by the Prince's family and close friends to make this marriage to work. You assumed he wouldn't stay there, with you. ~ in which they found love in most unexpected place at most unexpected time Wherever Daemon would go, Elaena is always with him dragon. And how to make contacts. After the war, Rhaenys Targaryen was saved by Eddard Stark and taken to Winterfell, where she lived for the next 17 years in peace. What happens when Rhaenyra and Daemon's night in the brothel turned out to be more than what the princess admitted to? His new young wife Daenaera of House Velaryon trying to hold him upright. SummerhallStorms EndHighgardenSunspearDragon StoneThe TwinsThe Eyrie she was blood of the wolf and of the dragon, and she had something none had; the admiration of the rogue prince Viserra Targaryen, Marya's own mother. . "Colder, and more chance of snow, but beautiful all the same" Marya said, she had not been home since she was a young girl, younger than Rhaenyra had been now, she had found a new home in King's Landing, in the arms of the man she loved surrounded by their children. Resurrection. Matt Smith as Daemon Targaryen. He rose Quickly through the Companies Ranks and founded Several Branch-Companies called the Iron Bears and Stone Eagles. When Shae was But a Member of the Unsullied Eunuch Warriors arrived and said there was something he needed to see. Anything else was Taught by Grandmaster Pycelle. As she was having an affair with Criston Cole, Rhaenyra Targaryen found herself in a delicate situation when she realised she was carrying his child. Aerys Targaryen II (Father, Deceased)Rhaella Targaryen (Mother, Deceased)Rhaegar Targaryen (Older Twin Brother, Deceased)Viserys III Targaryen (Younger Brother, Deceased)Daenerys Targaryen (Youngest Sister-Wife, Alive)Aegon Targaryen (Nephew, Deceased)Rhaenys Targaryen (Niece, Deceased)Rhaego (Nephew, Deceased)Jon Snow (Nephew, Alive)Lucerys Targaryen (Firstborn Child, Son By Sansa, Alive)Aerion Targaryen (Second-Born Child, Son by Sansa, Alive)Elia Targaryen (Third Born Child, Daughter by Arianne, Alive)Jaehaerys Targaryen (Fourth Born Child, Son by Alinor, Alive)Valerion Targaryen (Fifth Born Child, Son by Sansa, Alive)Margaery Targaryen (Sixth Born Child, Daughter by Alinor, Alive)Rhaegar Targaryen (Seventh Born Child, Son by Daenerys, Alive)Rhaenys Targaryen (Eighth Born Child, Daughter by Daenerys, Alive)Visenya Targaryen (Ninth Born Child, Daughter by Daenerys, Alive)Aegon Targaryen (Tenth Born Child, Son by Sansa, Alive) 49 The Night King has existed for thousands of years and has only been building up his strength in preparation for the Long Night. Upon his Arrival in Winterfell, he was Taken Before the New King of the North and his "Sister" the beautiful Princess Sansa, Daemon was immeadiately taken by Sansa's Beauty. Daemon had Long enjoyed autonomy from the House of his birth. georgerrmartin. Stories and legends concerning him reach far away, all the way to Westeros where they w rhaeghal. Alicent Hightower intends to collect. # 1. A fog only the Blood of the Greyiron Could lift. Would he press his claim in such a case? Daemon was afraid about the line of Succession being called into question, Lucerys and Aerion were his Firstborn, but both were Sons, and on top of that, Alinor had given him a son. This changes the Dance of Dragon and the history of the Targaryen Dynasty after that. Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence. The good thing about old people weddings was that absolutely nobody was interested in the bedding ceremony whatsoever. He cut Cleaner down, before plunging his Sword into the Monsters Neck and Cleaving it clean off. WebApparently, he came from the union of Daemon Targaryen, the Rogue Prince, rider of Caraxes, and Lyanna Stark, the niece of the Lord of Winterfell and cousin of the well-known Cregan Stark. * The House Of The Dragon Daenys Targaryen-Velaryon is the oldest child of Rhaenyra and Laenor Velaryon, but she shares the same true lineage as her brothers Jacaerys, Lucerys, and Joffrey. WebDaena Targaryen, the daughter of Princess Rhaenyra and Prince Daemon who got abducted not even a day after she was born. Her arms grew often tired, but the thought of not holding her babe close to her scared her. Under Twin Lannister he learned a great deal about the Inner workings of Trade, Economies, Counting Coins and Management of Income. He wouldn't dare to utter the words, burrowing into his lover's warmth, but Daemon heard them unspoken all the same: "Now guess what she namend him?" Daemon and his men Slew the defender's of the King's Gate as they let the Knights of the Vale and Targaryen Unsullied in, while the Golden Company Unsullied entered through the Mud Gate with the Northerners and Stone Eagles Infantry. While the Two Greyjoy's would sail one hundred of their two hundred Long Ships with five Thousand of the Golden Companies Braavosi Galleons and Cogs into the Blackwater Bay and blockade the Bay and Harbour and Daemon and Sansa would lead their armies into the Riverlands and Westerlands Respectively. 7 Dawn-1000 3 yr. ago Alicent may be obsessed with her professor. Birth Name: He wanted a Weakened Foe, but not a group of weakened Foes who could find a common enemy in him and join forces and fight him. Warning: Major spoilers ahead for the "House of the Dragon" season one finale. When Daenerys was born on Dragonstone Daemon had sent Ships there and secretly met with his ailing Mother, revealing his Existence and promised to send his sister and brother to a friend of his and Varys. They are not in chronological order. Daemon Had Ordered that His Master of Ships stay in the Red Keep, until he brought Crow's Heir before Theon, for Judgement. He was often seen in Varys Company asking for Tales of the Lands he had seen as a boy growing up. It is written by user StrangerOrders on the Alternative History Forums, and And as she tries to find her place again she realises a lot has changed since she left. Family: While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Daemon would later have a Statue made in his Visage, built atop of the Royal Gate Daemon's Dragon Viserion would soon follow it's rider to the Grave. He grew up with no interest in the Iron Throne his family had held since the first Unification of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. When word Reached the Seven Kingdoms that The King was expecting his firstborn Child the Realm Rejoiced, but none more so than the Starks and their Bannerman. The fact that Daemon Maegor The Cruel has learnt. Rhaenyra Targaryen is angry. l sera quin lo arreglara todo.". Her mother, Princess Rhaenyra, fought for the Iron Throne against her half-brother, Aegon II, in a bloody ci Aemond's twin sister Maelora is unaware of how much power her beauty holds until her older brother Aegon proposes to assist her in exchange for her hand. When word Reached him of the onset of the War of the Five Kings, which was a battle for the Iron Throne between King Joffery Baratheon, his Uncle's Renly and Stannis, Robb Stark, and Balon Greyjoy not very long after Both King Robert's and Ned Starkstrom Deaths, and the offer House Lannister had sent for him to join the Fray on their side, he refused each time. Daemon would arrive at his Camp to find a small Lannister Host Attacking the Camp. WebFantasy Short Stories House Of The Dragon Game Of Thrones Daemon Targaryen daemontargaryen At the House of the Dragon anything can happen when wanting the crown. As after the Targaryen's took it and Imprisoned the Rebels who surrendered and executed the one's who didn't, many of his supporters, the Priests of the Drowned God, Chief amongst them demanded he liberate the holy Island, but his forces weren't strong enough to completely free Old Wyk from Targaryen "Misrule". She said she would marry him, and he gave her a Dragon as a Gift, a Dragon She Called Skysmoke.With Ten Newborn Dragon's with them they Formalised the pact with a Wedding Ceremony. - the Aemond/OC/Aegon tag is more a formality for what comes later in this story, definitely not a love triangle.- also read A Thousand Stories Long by Aviator39, for a bigger picture- we have a Tumblr! During the tourney, Aemma gives birth to Baelon, the Queen lives and so does the boy. Where Daemon will do anything to get his brother's attention. Magic. Each chapter is a stand alone and can be read as you wish to. The young Targaeryan lost his footing, fell to the floor and banged his head on the deck, as the ship left the port. #rogueprince A reason why most Targaryens, such as his brother never tried bonding to a second dragon after their first had died. Nothing will stand in her way, to achieve her goals. Sansa did a good job stitching his wound, and during the needlework they had an intimate moment together which almost resulted in a passionate kiss. The finale sees Daemon Targaryen choke his wife Rhaenyra Targaryen. These Marriages reformed the majority of the Great Houses under House Targaryen's Banner. This Gave the Northern Lords and Vale Knights Cause to belive he was indeed Targaryen. Daemon would often Take His Firstborn Child Lucerys with him on his Royal Progresses, and Trips around the Realm. Would he press his claim in such a case? Enemies: tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. Affiliation(s): The Dragon's Wildfire by shnn. Daughter of Otto Hightower and Margarita Tyrell. The day that red snow fell from the sky would be the day the world is covered in ice, or a dragon like no other is born. WebDaena Targaryen, the daughter of Princess Rhaenyra and Prince Daemon who got abducted not even a day after she was born. Species: Top editors give you the stories you want Although Marya often teased him it was definitely Helaena, she had him wrapped around her little finger and the girl spoke a few words only. #winterfell. Completed romance hatetolove helaena +21 more # 3 | . by bia 28.9K 935 16 "i am not attached to Rhaenyra. What happens when that child is a girl, born the perfect image of a Targaryen princess? In which Alyssa Targaryen gives birth to twins in 81 AC. House Lannister (Under Queen Cersei I)House Greyjoy (under Euron Greyjoy and later Euron's son Dalton) When Zephyr was born, Cersei expected Blonde hair and Blue eyes, like her son Joffe "Rhaenyra did win the Dance, but Elaera was the genius behind the Iron Throne, the Blacks mastermind. What could Alyn have brought from Lys now? The three dragons landed before the Keep of Winterfell and people awed at the sight of Eraesys again, reminded them of the late Lady Stark; Viserra Targaryen, Marya's own mother. He met with Daenerys where he introduced himself as her brother and Sansa as his Wife. After King Viserys receive a offer of marriage from Corlys Velaryon, he is ready to decline it until his opinion changed, and so did the future of Westeros.Daemon Targaryen, the Rogue Prince, after his despised marriage is declared null by the king, is forced to marry Alicent Hightower, the daughter of his most hated enemy, to "end their differences and expand the house Targaryen", as his foolish brother declared. The color of some of the players may have changed, but the song must be played for destiny is a terrible thing and dreams are not always as they seem. She is protective over he siblings and will do anything t 'You ether die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain' Mientras que un grupo bien armado de capas doradas, firmes y ordenados los esperaban cerca de Dragonpit. I Can't Dance, Especially With Dragons: self insert into oc son of Daemon Targaryen and Rhea Royce (Discontinued), Linkffn(https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13525540/1/The-Peverell-Legacy). After the war, Rhaenys Targaryen was saved by Eddard Stark and taken to Winterfell, where she lived for the next 17 years in peace. They weren't pets, they were their closest companions and friends and completely irreplaceable. Includes: Rhaenyra, Daemon Targaryen, Nettles, Jacaerys Velaryon, Ulf and Hugh, Dalton Greyjoy, Gyles Yronwood, etc. But he became present, and protective. 17.3K 454 20. He saw Ironborn Ships flying the Kraken's banner alongside the Dragon's. He Decided to Fortify the Lands they'd captured. If he fell down the stairs tomorrrow and broke his neck his brother would be king and the little chubby holy terror after him. Daemon said that with Jamie Lannister controlling Riverrun, the Lannister's mostly controlled the Riverlands. Daemon Personally Beheaded Cersei with a Single swing of Blackfyre on the steps of the Red Keep and Had Viserion drop her body into the Blackwater one of the first things that Daemon did as king was Rebuild the Great Sept of Baelon, and then Buildings several more Thrones in the Throneroom, Winter Throne for Sansa, A Summer Throne for Alinor, a Spring Throne for Arianne, and a Autumn Throne for Daenerys. WebThe Northern Dragon. Web162 Stories. The Forbidden Dragon (Aemond Targaryen), an a song of ice and fire fanfic | FanFiction - id: 13390225 + - -The Forbidden Dragon- (Aemond Targaeryan) The ship lurched, jerking Aemond. Upon arriving Daemon sent half of his Unsullied out with him at their Head and his Dragon's Flying beside him. What happens when a child is conceived that night? Collection of prompts I'll be posting from time to time. Sansa agreed to let Daenerys become Daemon's Second day Wife. Slices of their life after the events of honey on the sheets. By the time of the Rebellion Daemon was in the Free Cities leading an expanded Golden Company. #daemontargaryen The fact that Daemon Under the Master of Laws he learned about the administering of Justice, Important Laws, and How to lead men. On the other hand, Daemon Targaryen was born more than 200 years before the events of Game of Thrones. The Forbidden Dragon (Aemond Targaryen), an a song of ice and fire fanfic | FanFiction - id: 13390225 + - -The Forbidden Dragon- (Aemond Targaeryan) The ship lurched, jerking Aemond. With her future knowledge and regrets, the Queen will do everything in her power to protect her family and change their futures. AU. The War was Going quite well but Daemon had always wanted to visit the Targaryen's Ancestral Homeland of Old Valyria. After the war, Rhaenys Targaryen was saved by Eddard Stark and taken to Winterfell, where she lived for the next 17 years in peace. Daemon had dismounted his dragon to announce the King, and then the Queen and her children. they ruled for the realm. Which was for the best, Daemon thought, as it was unlikely interested spectators would get to see anything more but a door slammed shut in their face. In the books, both Rhaenyra and Daemon are married and have children before they marry each other. 17.3K 454 20. It's really a top tier fic the best in genre of dance era..as a aspiring writer it was truly a great experience reading the top level writing and learning from it highly recommend. Allies: Seat(s): It was just you and him. Alicent knew what her father wanted, and knew what could happen if she went directly against his wishes. The finale sees Daemon Targaryen choke his wife Rhaenyra Targaryen. he offered Jamie the Chance to surrender, despite stating he knew better than to see Jamie Surrender. Daemon would Leave the majority of House Targayren's Dragon's out of the New War, because Dragon's Couldn't be replaced just as easily as Ships could. The Master's themselves viewed Daemon as a Good Business Partner. Cregan Stark x Targa Zephyr Baratheon is the true Baratheon heir of Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister. Chubby holy terror after him that with Jamie Lannister controlling Riverrun, the Queen lives and so does boy! House of his Unsullied out with him on his Royal Progresses, and then the Queen will do everything her. House Targaryen 's Banner alongside the Dragon '' season one finale both Rhaenyra and Prince Daemon who got not... History Forums, and then the Queen and her children # rogueprince a reason why most Targaryens such... Birth of your second daughter a fog only the Blood of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros of. Called the Iron Bears and Stone Eagles he press his claim in such a case would take. 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