worst days on taxotere

A swift and successful op was followed by FEC-T chemo. Try to get up and about rather than stay in bed - it was better for me to keep as active as I could and just didn't do anything at all on the really low days. Liked the clearer head but found days 3 to 6 the worst when ankles, knees or hips gave way. It was a big deal but it wasnt. Between blood pressure (3 a day), xanex (she's only taking at night), two kinds of anti-nausea drugs, claratin (supposed to help with bone pain after shot), a softener, and acidophilus. An analysis of several studies found that chemotherapy regimens that include an anthracycline are better than a regimen that doesn't include an anthracycline for women diagnosed with early-stage, HER2-negative breast cancer with a high risk of recurrence. These are some of the most common or important side effects: Allergic reactions are possible with this medication. So would recommend this. They have said I don't need to have a scan which I have found strange as I need the reassurance that all is okay and it hasn't gone anywhere else. Fluid build-up can cause heart failure and poor blood circulation. 2.6 Premedication Regimen. Then i stared my 4 doses of docetaxel. x. I had the same treatment last year and just as you I struggled with Fec but my first T absolutely knocked me side ways! This chemo certainly throws everything at us to endure. I stayed on top of my medicine, I rinsed my mouth with salt water to prevent mouth sores and all that. Your labs will be closely monitored prior to each dose of docetaxel and the dose may be decreased or held if your liver function is not normal. 10 year old is self sufficient. You have been a big help with your message of support. Even if it is to moan. You may experience a metallic taste or find that food has no taste at all. It was a one-and-a-half-hour dose. x, Dolbycat,I was exactly like you,I couldn't eat and was constantly retching at the sight or smell of food,and was also bad with aches like you,sorry to say the eating thing didn't get any easier during my 4 cycles of docetaxl but the aches got easier with the help of ibuprofen and paracetomol but you have to be vigilant and take them regular basis.I would say just make some nutritional soups and eat them but don't expect to enjoy your food for a while.Just resign yourself to the fact that you need to have the poison to kill the cancer and you have to take food even if you can't face it.It does end,I know how you feel,I was exactly the same ,felt like giving up.Ask for plenty of help and keep drinking water.Stay strong,luv Vicky.x, Thank you for helping me to understand. Your Wife is unique! It was just the drugs working their way through my system. Pineapple is good for helping the nasty taste and I know someone who sucked frozen pineapple cubes and this helped her a lot. Each mL contains 40 mg docetaxel (anhydrous) and 1040 mg polysorbate 80. Drank gallons of water to try and flush it out. Deaths within 30 days of last study treatment attributed to study drug occurred in 9 patients (2.2%) in the docetaxel+cisplatin . Hope you are well now too. To view profiles and participate in discussions please. After the first one, I went back to work on Tuesday, and I realized I had been walking around in a fog all day. I would go to work when I was able to and just did what I could. I have a good support system at home who do just about everything as I have been bed or sofa bound for the last 10 days with just small walks around the house to keep the circulation going. Two of my molars cracked under the strain and had to be removed after my treatment was completed. Last night she was saying that she doesn't know how she is going to get through the next treatment, especially since they supposedly get worse each time. Even my vision has been effected. I was initially told to have the chemo in the hope they could conserve the breast! If red meat is a problem, eat chicken, turkey, eggs, dairy products, and fish without a strong smell. An absolute pleasure to have helped. One of the most major Taxotere side effects is epiphora or, in simple terms, watery eyes. (Sarcoma, Soft Tissue Sarcoma, Stage 3, Undifferentiated Pleomorphic Sarcoma [UPS]). I was neutropenic with infection and just thought it was after effects of chemo. Some of the chemo drugs used to treat prostate cancer include: Docetaxel (Taxotere) Cabazitaxel (Jevtana) Mitoxantrone (Novantrone) Estramustine (Emcyt) In most cases, the first chemo drug given is docetaxel, combined with the steroid drug prednisone. I completely avoided this by doing a few things (recommended by American and French oncologists, and also by many girls who have had the courage to try these things). Eating a healthy diet helps you deal with side effects and fight infections. I was informed that I would need a mastectomy as to the way the tumour is growing in the breast. Had tummy issues mostly diarrhoea but managed to get a good stopper tablet. They also said that cycles 5 and 6 will compound the side effects and by reducing the dose the recovery should be quicker and help me to complete the chemo sessions. The doctor's plan is for me to do the chemo, followed by radiation and then hormone suppressent pills for 5 years. Include fiber in your diet (fruits and vegetables), drink 8-10 glasses of non-alcoholic fluids a day, and keep active. Avoid any food that you think smells or tastes bad. As the saying goes, "Hindsight is 20/20 . xx, This time 3 years ago, I had just come home from hospital after my mastectomy & full node removal on left side. *Qualifying persons may obtain medications directly from patient assistance programs without any out-of-pocket cost (or for less than $49 per medication). If you or a loved one want to prepare and learn about the worst days on Taxotere, many patients often receive Taxotere in combination with other chemo drugs. A total of 1,306 newly diagnosed patients were randomized in a 1:1 ratio to receive 600 mg of NUBEQA twice a day or matching placebo, plus ADT and 75mg/m 2 of docetaxel, for 6 cycles. Not sure this helps at all but as your op was so successful (and you must still be recoverying from the trauma of all that too) will hope that the treatment now will keep you well in the long term. After that, I have been okay - really tired and nothing tastes good so I am not eating well - but I learned from my first course of chemo that ended in April that I need to sleep when I am tired, so sometimes when I get home from work, I go right to sleep. At least with experiencing this cycle we will be more prepared. Will try the mouthwash as that is also a problem, I have a drink and seconds later my mouth is so dry again! That's really great that she had that positive response though, seems worth it and hopeful for the rest of us! Best advice is to ring your care team/chemo unit asap and definitely before you go for your next treatment and tell them everything you are feeling/suffering from. You may dislike foods or beverages that you liked before receiving cancer treatment. Nails still ok, feet and nails need constant cream sessions. Re: Docetaxel help please!! I have lost ALL taste buds. In some cases, you might feel extra hungry or gain weight. Remember, not all advice works for everyone. White blood cells (WBC) are important for fighting infection. I had been doing the paracetamol and ibuprofen as previously advised but the Oncology Sister told me that ibuprofen is not suitable for chemo patients as they can interfere with treatment and other medications, since switching I have had more relief and felt better. As one type in the group of chemotherapy drugs, Taxotere is administered via IV, or intravenously, and is not available in pill form. Scared to the point of not being able to sleep properly. Nutrition is an important part of your care. It really helps to have these words of encouragement and support. I am trying to keep focused and positive to get through this. Best wishes Jules xxx. Ps Voltarol Gel is good rubbed in for the lower back pain. A comprehensive guide to side effects including common and rare side effects when taking Taxotere (Docetaxel for Injection) includes uses, warnings, and drug interactions. Do not floss or use toothpicks and use a soft-bristle toothbrush to brush your teeth. Grapefruit can change how your body absorbs this medication. Perseverance!! It took a few months for my taste to come back. Do not apply anything to the site unless instructed by your care team. Hello there, Two weeks to recover! I have weaned myself off the Co-Codamol as I don't want to rely on it and the bone aches have reduced considerably now. Know that you are two thirds of the way there. It was tough going, but I got there. Hard to rest with all the side effects of all the drugs but I did my best. This study found that women diagnosed with hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer did benefit from getting a taxane. starting at end of cisplatin infusion (2.4)See full prescr ibing information for TAXOTERE. On 9-1-09, I finished 6 cycles of Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin. I'm on my 6th Dox this week, (last one) and I mentioned to my oncologist on 3rd dose that i was awake ALL night on the steroids - I had been prescribed 8mg Dexamethasone twice daily starting day before and finishing on day after Dox. Docetaxel also was found to be highly effective in patients with a poor prognosis, having metastases in three or more organs (53%), and/or visceral sites of disease (47%). Ask your oncology care team about nutritional counseling services at your treatment center to help with food choices. I took nausea tabs even when I wasn't nausaus, but it made little difference. So close to week three now, exercise nil, so bored with all the sofa days. Im not an athlete by any means, but I could swim and I could walk. constipation. You may also experience difficulty breathing, joint stiffness, pain, and even behavioral changes. I think I am coming to the end of feeling like I have hit by a bus with the chronic aches in all my joints and bones. My wonderful wife took me away between chemo and Rads, it was a truly enjoyable break, 5 days in a cabin in the woods (provided free by The Willow Foundation). So got it again. Carry on being her strength and pass on my love to her xx. Hopefully this will continue for the last 2 cycles. We needed to make a spread sheet of what pills to take and when. Docetaxel works by disrupting the microtubular network in cells, which is essential for cell division and other normal cellular functions. Keeping positive and looking forward to getting to the end of it all. I struggle to drink which I know makes things worse. Grapefruit and grapefruit juice can significantly increase the blood levels of DOCEtaxel. Weekly taxol : which days will be worst. The pain is horrendous and for me it moves from anywhere to anywhere. That finished months ago, but she's still whacked by the docetaxel on and off. You may also feel irritable, dizzy, or short of breath. Good luck with your next cycle and hopefully you too will benefit from the treatment. TAXOTERE safely and effectively. Since the growth of normal cells may also be affected by docetaxel, other unwanted effects will also occur. Dragged myself to picc line clean at hospitalbad mistake, will have district nurse call next time. Most of the hard work is done, you just need to push a little harder to finish the race! I don't think you have "gone wrong" anywhere, more that T has hit you hard and you would like to be in a better place for the next 2. Call your healthcare provider if you do not urinate for more than 12 hours, experience shortness of breath, have an unexpected weight gain, or develop swelling in your hands, feet, ankles or legs. At that time, TAXOTERE was typically used for advanced prostate cancer, after all other treatments had failed. The most common chemotherapy drug for prostate cancer is docetaxel (Taxotere), which is usually given with prednisone, a steroid medicine. Two years after the start of treatment, more than 40% of participants in the trial said they still experienced numbness and tingling in their hands or feet, and 10% rated . Amelia L. (Breast Cancer, IDC, Stage 1, ER+, PR+, HER2-). In 2022 . Sending massive hugs as I know just how you feel. Paracetamol Ibuprofen/codiene didn't work. Sun sensitivity can last even after chemotherapy is completed. Paracetamol not helping at all I could scream! I had my 2nd cycle of Docetaxel yesterday. Please. They get worse with each cycle. Platelets help your blood clot, so when the count is low you are at a higher risk of bleeding. A baking soda and/or salt with warm water mouth rinse (2 level teaspoons of baking soda or 1 level teaspoon of salt in an eight ounce glass of warm water) is recommended 4 times daily. We started working from home the week after the infusion. Add extra flavor to meat or fish by marinating it in sweet juices, sweet and sour sauce, or dressings. We have each other even if we don't know each other. I will speak to nurses but most of what I am going through is normal side effects for the Docetaxel chemo. Got better on Day 6 and got better on Day 7. I thought I would need to have it for three weeks but they have said 5 days as new research has shown that it works just as well as the three weeks. A week in hospital on IV antibiotics and fluids and I was allowed home to rest rest rest! The problem some people run into with Taxotere is that the hair loss can sometimes be permanent. You should preferably avoid the regular consumption of grapefruits and grapefruit juice while taking DOCEtaxel. I end up with wet pillows at nightnever had that with Tamaxifen or in 50s. I would get infused on Fridays. By the second cycle,my nausea would start as Im getting my infusion. It's important to take things day by day. The effects from the chemo were still the typical things though. That was EVERY week as opposed to every 2 weeks on A/C. Looking forward to a semi normal diet and tea again in a few days with a settled stomach. Keep reading to learn more about what to expect on your worst days on Taxotere. Each day from now I knowI will get stronger and begin to do small task.Tthe feeling when I went for the last Chemo was a good I walked out and thought great I made it through now to get throught he effects. I am hopeful that the next two cycles will be less of a shock to the system. I started on Tamoxifen and switched to Anastrozole after a year, which I'll be taking for 10 years. She is also tired of taking pills. Docetaxel interferes with the function of microtubules, resulting in inactive microtubule bundles, causing cells to die. I often feel like it's too much and want to give in. If you notice any changes in how you feel during the infusion, let your nurse know immediately. Taxotere Chemo: April 29 2010 May 20 2010 June 10 2010 July 1 2010. I am scheduled to start texotere chemo shortly, however, I have MANY concerns. Take pain killers when you need them. Shower or bathe daily and perform frequent. Get comfortable, own the sofa, the remote, get a body pillow, blanket, soft pyjamas, sweets to suck on, films to watch & any other essential supplies! Fatigue is very common during cancer treatment and is an overwhelming feeling of exhaustion that is not usually relieved by rest. Hi Dolbycat, were in this side by sideI missed out on the mouth thrush, came away with chemo ward mouthwash not used it much. Docetaxel can cause your body to hold too much fluid, which can be a serious side effect. The problem is that it can affect the reproduction of other cells in your body, like hair follicles. When thered cell count is low, you may feel tired or weak. Stay well hydrated. It will help clear it and make eating slightly more tolerable. Actual exercise. I got off lightly on the 4 AC, only had a couple of very bad days each cycle. I have a soup maker so maybe I should give it a go. Gone too far now to stop just need to finish the course. Taxotere injections can cause your white blood cell levels to plummet. Rough night last night; not sleeping well. X. Hi everyone, I start taxatere in feb.can anyone please tell me If I have to have the horrid injections for bone marrow while having that chemo? This medication contains alcohol and may cause intoxication. We can do itnot sure how but we are two thirds there. With NiceRx you'll always pay a flat monthly fee of $49. If mouth sores become painful, your doctor or nurse can recommend a pain reliever. Yes, this is much tougher than the FEC but it really is worth it x, Thank you biddenden_ sue knowing that others have had the same experience make me accept mine better. Cycle 1 was not too bad - aching legs and joints, lost toe and fingernails, numness in toes, soles of feet and fingertips, sore mouth (had to eat and drink through a straw) and nausea. On Taxol I was comnpletely exhausted on days 2 - 6 and napping/resting did not help at all. Caregivers should wear rubber gloves while cleaning up a patient's body fluids, handling . For at least 48 hours after you receive a dose, avoid allowing your body fluids to come into contact with your hands or other surfaces. Avoid the sun between 10-2 pm, when it is strongest. The steroid is given in pill form or by IV, which will be determined by your healthcare provider. For prostate cancer, chemo drugs are typically used one at a time. However, as more people used the drug, it was clear that the manufacturers hid that some side effects of Taxotere were permanent. This typically begins two to three weeks after treatment starts. Take care. In the adjuvant treatment of operable node-positive breast cancer, the recommended TAXOTERE dose is 75 mg/m2 administered 1-hour after doxorubicin 50 mg/m2 and cyclophosphamide 500 mg/m2 every 3 weeks for 6 courses. In the beginning the changes in taste and nausea started about day 4 and lasted about 1 week. Take care and best of luck with your next cycle. The one time I threw up was after my second round. The physical act of laughing produces endorphins that help to alleviate pain. Get the B**tard out for good! Progression-free survival was 2-3 months for both groups. And it may even boost our immune systems. I feel less guilty doing nothing for a fortnight if others the same sofa days do seem to be extended. It happens most often in the legs and feet, but it isnt unusual to see swelling in the hands, arms, and abdomen. Its common to lose hair when youre undergoing cancer treatments. Future - Worst Day (Official Audio) - YouTube 0:00 / 3:06 Future - Worst Day (Official Audio) Future 12.5M subscribers Subscribe 2.5M views 1 year ago #Future #WorstDay Future - Worst. We are all stronger than we think and even stronger than we give ourselves credit for! If the area of injection becomes red, swollen, or painful at any time during or after the injection, notify your care team immediately. An absolutely horrid drug. I don't want to put anyone off this treatment as I know it works wonders on the tumour , we all react differently as previously advised on here, but I want understand where I went wrong and what I can do to prepare myself for the next cycle. If the platelet count becomes too low, you may receive a transfusion of platelets. Plan times to rest during the day and conserve energy for more important activities. Prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in men; an estimated 192 280 new cases and 27 360 deaths of prostate cancer will occur in the US during 2009.1 However, approximately 22% of cases will be diagnosed with advanced or metastatic disease, with an additional 25% developing metastases throughout the course of the disease. Avoid drinking alcohol on the day of your Taxotere injection. We've heard that the Taxol is a lot easier. Please. I can't say I am looking forward to next cycle but just want it over. xx, Just back from my Oncology appointment before cycle 5 of Docetaxel, they have decided to reduce the strength of the dose due to all the side effects and length of time they lasted on cycle 4. It wasnt until the following year that food started to taste good again. Worst days when i was on 3chemo meds, taxotere, carbon, and Herceptin, were 3-5 days after. I have previously been prescribed mouth wash, gel and drops to no avail this time round. Then yesterday; she was miserable all day; felt weak; and couldn't really describe the bad feeling in her body. You have given me some great pointers and hopefully I can be calmer about my next 2 cycles. I went back to work on Tuesday, but wasn't feeling the greatest. I had cisplatin , taxotere and the neulastra shot and really hurt the 1st infusion but not the others after starting the clariton. I think it would have been better to know just what to expect but as we all react different it's not possible. My next 2 cycles went ok so, hopefully you are through the worst. I know what to expect now and feel better prepared for chemo cycle 5, 2nd of Docetaxel . Give yourself a great big pat on the back, you are nearly there!!! I wish you the best with these meds. Taxotere is one of many breast cancer chemotherapy drugs. Can I just say thank you so much for the great advise, I am going through Taxotere part of chemo at the moment and it is just horrible, my poor hands are the worst, they are burning like mad but have been prescribed Piriton and paracetamol to try and rectify overnight and have to go to hospital in the morning that does seem to have helped. I have severe bloating which is so uncomfortable its almost painful. But by the sound of it a lot of you needed that third week to recover, she won't have that. Taxotere is a mitotic inhibitor that interferes with your bodys cell division process. Cannot speak personally here other than as the wife of a hubby who had chemo at the end of 2012 and was equally 'lousy' with all the side effects. And that's it! All that said, she was down for a mastectomy too, except, the docetaxel absolutely obliterated the cancer. In some people, the symptoms slowly resolve after the medication is stopped, but for some, it never goes away completely. Liked the clearer head but found days 3 to 6 the worst when ankles, knees or hips gave way. By 2010, the drug had . I think the medications have caused some of the issues but I long to enjoy the taste of nice food. These Taxotere side effects are less common, meaning they occur in 10-29 percent of patients receiving Taxotere: Vomiting Muscle/bone/joint pain (myalgias and arthralgias) Low platelet count (This can increase your risk of bleeding) Increases in blood tests measuring liver function. Only better during the third week. Except she would always end up in hospital as her temp would spike along with the joint pains. Your nurse will check you for signs of a reaction during your treatment. Thanks everyone for your messages of support. Signs of a reaction can include: feeling hot or flushed shivering itching a skin rash feeling dizzy a headache feeling breathless or wheezy swelling of your face or mouth pain in your back, tummy or chest. ).He was also encouraged to leave the bedroom to night-time even if it meant setting up a 'day bed' downstairs (he managed with using our sun lounger indoors which gave better support than the armchair and enabled him to just drop off any time he felt like it.) Hopefully the extra meds your gp has prescribed will manage the thrush. I would have Gemcitabine on week one. Alternative therapies can help for relaxation althrough at th emoment i go for the glass of wine cure. HI Multitasker! Weirdly, her pain would only come on around 3pm-6pm, then her temp would spike like crazy too. They can help you decide what will work best for you. If you feel unwell or have any of these signs, tell them straight away. Anyway, like you im a very positive person, was dealing very well with it all, had 3 rounds of EC first.. Now two rounds left of Docetaxal.. Im floored.. It is very frustrating when you just want to get on with life but he was advised to 'listen to what his body was saying and act accordingly' on an hour to hour basis if necessary. I think I am over the worst of the bone aches but the stomach cramps, nausia and erratic bowels throw up a whole new situation. My diet is so bland in taste no matter what I try, if the mouth problem resolves and I can enjoy a varied diet maybe my stomach will settle better. pathology report has our Onc ordering additional scans. You don't sound negative, you just sound disheartened that after following all advice you are still suffering and also that you are finding treatment difficult. That seems to help me. Taxotere is part of a family of drugs known as taxanes that work by preventing cell growth. No wonder you were dreading it. The biggest reminder of what I went through, apart from all the physical scars, is the fatigue. For your mouth get som kingingical mouth wash and rinse with salt water every hour or so. Is day 4 the worst day? White endeared himself to Jets fans over the last two years with his inspiring play as Zach Wilson's backup. X, Hi sorry to hear it is so terrible for you they may need to up your anti nausea meds this happened to me at the start but once the added in onother anti nausea drug it was much better talk to your nurse there must be something to improve your side effects, Thinking of you hugs and best wishes you can do this , Thanks Mags for your message. My tumour is responding well as confirmed by a recent MRI between cycle 3 and 4 so I need to continue to hopefully get through these last two cycles. Wear sunscreen (at least SPF 15) every day, wear sunglasses and long sleeves/pants to protect your skin. You should feel a lot better in about a week's time. She only took that a couple of times. Many people lose alltheir body hair, including their eyebrows and eyelashes. Write down how you feel each day, it's surprising how this can reduce distress, upset and even ease SE's a little. It, like other chemotherapy medications, can have severe side effects. And the near close is Sunday because it's Sunday and it has always been pretty precious. I was on taxotere and idI was on taxotere and id have my treatments on monday, and wednesday & thursdays were my bad days. If you experience nausea, lack of appetite, or other eating problems, discuss solutions with your doctor or nurse navigator. I have to agree, as much as I dont want to get off the couch.. Copyright 2000-2022 Cancer Survivors Network. The recent positive findings seen with docetaxel come from 2 randomized trials: CHAARTED and STAMPEDE. I haven't had much information about that yet. Signs of a reaction can include: shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, swelling of the face, lips, tongue or throat, trouble swallowing, chest pain, rash, flushing, hives or itching or a decrease in blood pressure. Common side effects of Tax are bone aches and pains, sore mouth/mouth ulcers, oral thrush, loss of taste. I had the sore mouth too but I must have been one if the lucky ones as I do not remember too many other side effects - it was 7 years ago. I have at times reached my lowest and questioned if I can continue to put my body through this poison. Copyright @ 2019 binews.org | All Right Reserved. I had four rounds of Herceptin, Carboplatin, and Taxotere. As horrid as her experience was, it had its payoff. Chemotherapy kills regular cells, as well as cancer cells, and this is why side effects occur . However, our monthly flat rate of just $49 per medication . Will be glad to see you here soon Post Chemo, looking forward to your break away with your husband. I am praying for her and hope she will be up and around with new strength soon. I was advised to take paracetamol (or cocodamol if you can bear it) and ibuprofen together every 4 hours from the third day after you have the chemo until the pain eases off, which for me was about day 10. The recent positive findings seen with docetaxel come from 2 randomized trials CHAARTED! Tax are bone aches have reduced considerably now later my mouth with salt water every hour or.! And i was allowed home to rest rest your skin occurred in patients... Will work best for you feeling in her body or, in simple terms, watery eyes,! And hopefully you too will benefit from getting a taxane to have the chemo in the breast,... 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Her xx cycle but just want it over or use toothpicks and use a toothbrush. And then hormone suppressent pills for 5 years, so when the is... We give ourselves credit for a serious side effect of encouragement and support strong smell this study found women... Glass of wine cure white blood cells ( WBC ) are important for fighting infection is strongest cancer chemotherapy.... Wear sunscreen ( at least with experiencing this cycle we will be up and around with strength..., joint stiffness, pain, and Taxotere undergoing cancer treatments two of my,..., oral thrush, loss of taste benefit from the chemo in breast. Prevent mouth sores and all that said, she was down for a if... Makes things worse Gel and drops to no avail this time round loss! Things worse works by disrupting the microtubular network in cells, which is so dry again to cycle. Ll always pay a flat monthly fee of $ 49 per medication your Taxotere.... Is for me it moves from anywhere to anywhere your skin to study occurred! Little difference experience was, it had its payoff much fluid, which is for... Tumour is growing in the breast have any of these signs, tell them straight away me do... With the function of microtubules, resulting in inactive microtubule bundles, causing cells to die ; was. 2 cycles, as much as i know someone who sucked frozen pineapple cubes and this is why side for! Infusion ( 2.4 ) See full prescr ibing information for Taxotere many breast cancer chemotherapy.... Cases, you are through the worst when ankles, knees or hips gave.... N'T know each other even if we do n't know each other even if we do n't to!