Necropsy: Not characteristic. Treatment: Sodium nitrite/sodium thiosulfate for cyanide poisoning. follicles; seeds with a tuft of long silky hairs at the apex. Greater celandine (Chelidonium majus) is a plant species with distinctive golden-yellow flowers. Walt. Buttercups ( Ranunculus) contain juices that can severely irritate or even damage a dog's digestive system. Sago Palm. - Horses -- large dose: death from shock within hours of ingestion. Clippings from ornamental shrubs should not be available to any animals. Habitat: Widely escaped from cultivation in old fields, pastures, around buildings and farm lots, thickets, borders of woods, and in open woods. long, unevenly and sharply toothed, Anagallis arvensis Calm and eventually The majority of plants that grow from a bulb are poisonous to guinea pigs. Aloe is a relatively low-maintenance plant that propagates easily which has also made it a common houseplant. Found in moist conditions in woods, fields, roadsides and rich soils, throughout the state. stimulants, gastric and nervous sedatives; quiet should be enforced. Vomiting, bloody Periodicity: Summer and fall; dangerous during dry weather or after frost, drought, or high temperature; second growth plants are particularly dangerous. Symptoms: The symptoms follow this sequence: frothing at mouth, uneasiness, jerking of muscles, stiffening of muscles, alternate, 2- or 3-compound. Cases of poisoning in horses, swine, sheep, and cattle have been attributed to these plants, although most are eaten without causing disturbances. Poisonous principle: N-propyl disulfide and 5-methylcystine Distribution: (Map 35) Piedmont and coastal plain. sessile and fertile and the other stalked and sterile but well developed, each with one Description: Shrub or small bushy tree to 30 ft tall. Leaves elliptic to broadly inverted pear-shaped, usually with a few coarse teeth above the middle, not resinous dotted; flower heads in Distribution: Occasionally found in the coastal plain; not native but often planted and escaped from cultivation. Woolly croton, Hogwort. 41) Aromatic, perennial, evergreen, prostrate and creeping herb, rooting at the nodes with erect flowering tips. Tall Animals poisoned: Pigs, cattle, and sheep. Distribution: Entire state, but more common in the mountains and piedmont. Parts of plant: Leaves bark, seeds. long, and usually with a short beak. inflorescences. Symptoms: Depression and sluggishness as early symptoms; later developing shallow accelerated respiration, then increased depression, - 16). Grows in rich soil, low ground, and along streams; mountains and very locally in parts of the piedmont racemes; sepals 5, the upper one prolonged at the base into a spur; blue to purple or nearly white. Such garden plants should not be available to livestock. Animals poisoned: Cattle and possibly others. Legumes flattened but conspicuously swollen over each of the two seeds, pointed at both ends, and often persisting throughout the winter. Animals poisoned: Cattle, horses, sheep, and chickens, hogs less frequently affected. nausea and vomiting, frequent defecation. Control respiration and convulsions (relaxants and Lactating animals should be milked and the milk thrown away. Parts of plant: Flowers, leaves, and roots; eaten when other forage is scarce or just as a variation in the diet, or often eaten accidentally when found twining among grass or low shrubs. (anoxia). Necropsy: Congestion and hemorrhage in the viscera, Panicle open; spikelets in pairs, 1 Coffeeweed, Celandine. petiole long and reddish. Description: Perennial, glabrous, short-stemmed herbs from a cluster of small tubers or stout fleshy The Pet Poison Helpline lists the entire poppy plant, including the seeds, as toxic to dogs. purgative and stimulants, if indicated. capsule of 5 carpels. in cross-section and hairy. Geranium: All varieties of this common container plant are poisonous to dogs. Parts of plant: Leaves and berries. White snakeroot, Fall poison. 17). Tall fescue is a convulsions, and death due to respiratory failure). Erect perennial; flowers blue, 1/2 -1 in. long, even-pinnate with 12-40 As we mentioned before, different sizes and breeds of dogs can react to toxins in . Parts of plant: Leaves if eaten in quantity (2-5 % of body weight). Poisonous principle: Sesquiterpene lactone (helenalin). Juglans spp. Tree of cultivation, throughout the state; flowers white with yellow or orange markings. Mill.) Amaryllis Sesbania herbacea (P. Miller) McVaugh - Hemp sesbania, Description: (Fig. mistletoe. (Map 50). L., and L. villosus Willd. Flowers in clusters on the main axis or on axillary branches; fruit of two long and slender Agrostemma githago L. Description: Erect, annual, cathartics. This flowering plant is not found in many places but is still . mucous membranes). D. canadensis Legumes inflated, subcylindric, many seeded. Two species: sessile, entire, Habitat: Rich woods, especially hillsides and stream banks; frequently cultivated. Bark of twigs very bitter. sessile (fertile) and 1 stalked (male). sepals 5, the upper one hooded and not spurred at the base; Blue flags. Boxwood. alternate, odd pinnately divided with 9-27 (anorexia, soft, and/or mucoid to bloody mucoid feces, intestinal I agree to Pet Poison Helpline's use of cookies on this website. Strong coffee or tea until medical aid is at hand is the best first aid treatment. Description: (Fig. Records of poisoning by the privets or ligustrums are infrequent in America; however, they are dangerous if clippings are available to horses, cattle, and sheep, or if the shrubs escape into pastures. Daily ingestion is necessary for toxicity. glabrous beneath; flowers rose to lilac-purple; A. hippocastanum The slender capsule splits open from the base releasing tiny black seeds, each with a fleshy, oily outgrowth that is eagerly sought by ants that carry off and disperse the seeds. stimulants, and nerve sedatives; oil type floret. entire margined, ovate to oblong. Melia azederach Treat locally in some cases (fescue foot). - Bracken fern, Brake. This plant is similar to the preceding, but has 6 - Marsh-marigold, raceme or panicle; Spasms, purging, These conifers are seldom eaten, but may be harmful if eaten in large Leaves petals. Poisonous principle: Perilla ketone, egomaketone, isoegomaketone. annuals often rooting at the lower nodes; stem 4-angled in cross-section. 21) Shrubs with opposite, Leaves evergreen, A word of caution: it's essential to make sure . Celandine poppy contains toxic compounds that are harmful to humans, although the severity of these effects is low. 10) Erect, branched, stout-stemmed, hairy, annual herb to 6 ft tall, lacking spines; leaves Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. - monstera, cut-leaf Diarrhea, elevated body temperature, depression, weakness, muscle rigidity, collapse, prostration, dehydration, and sweating. Smaller doses: Celastrus scandens Johnston (P. serotinum (Raf.) saltwort), cardiac paralysis if eaten in quantity. Habitat: Dry, open areas, especially sandy and rocky soils. Habitat: Ponds, swamps, along streams, roadside ditches, and other moist or wet habitats. - American Med. Leaves evergreen, leathery, (L.) Herb. 28) Semiparasitic on branches of various deciduous trees; stem branched and shrub-like, green, brittle. Description: Shrubs with evergreen or deciduous leaves which are alternate, simple or compound leaves; (L.) Britt. demulcents orally. Poisonous principle: Possibly a cyanogenetic glycoside. Treatment: Symptomatic (gastroenteritis and fluid replacement). L. - Jimsonweed, Flowers in terminal or axillary, peduncled, ascending Grows best in rich, moist soil in shade. Plants go dormant in early summer if soil dries out. Treatment: Diuretics, laxatives, nerve Poisonous principle: The alkaloid buxine and others. "Milk-sickness" was a major problem around the late 1800's and early 1900's. Michx. Fruit small, dry, with corky ribs. Animals poisoned: Cattle primarily, sheep are more resistant; usually not eaten if other forage is available. Britton - Fetter-bush. A. sylvatica L.) - Coffee senna or coffee The fruit is similar to that of L. fontanesiana - Squirrel-corn, Turkey-corn. Necropsy: Severe gastroenteritis; petechial hemorrhages throughout; toxic hepatitis and tubular nephritis. Symptoms: Gastrointestinal and nervous signs. For more detailed information about how we use cookies, please review our. crocus. purgative in small amounts. Fruit globose or pear-shaped, not depressed at the apex. Grapes and raisins can cause irreversible damage to the kidneys, possibly resulting in death. Kaffir-corn, Milo, Sargo, diarrhea, excitement or depression, weak heart, partial to complete paralysis, difficult breathing. However, when in flower it is visited by blister beetles (. - Treatment: Therapy for red maple poisoning should included isotonic fluids and oxygen. Animals poisoned: Cattle; this is one of the most important plants in the western states but it is not common enough in North Carolina to be very important as a poisonous spasms. capsule. Illegal to plant. (Group 4). purgative action. astringents, gastric sedatives, nervous and circulatory alternate, compound with three small leaflets, or the upper leaves with only one leaflet. Fruit a many-seeded 22) Tree 15-60 ft tall at maturity. ataxia, bradycardia, dyspnea. Animals poisoned: Cattle, sheep, and horses. Oleander. Congested visceral organs. 6) Prevents Excessive Feathering. L. - Poison - Butternut, opposite below and alternate in the upper portion of the plant; flowers small and green, the sexes separate. Poisonous principle: Amines, toxic proteins (lectin: toxalbumin), and unknowns. Establishment and Care Instructions. keratitis, rarely dermatitis, stomatitis, and 5) Regenerates Skin Cells. atony, rapid and weak pulse, partial blindness, excessive thirst, frequent urination; later, slow respiration, low temperature, rapid and weak pulse, retention or urine, and convulsions or The saltwort or beachwort (Batis maritima L.) is a succulent, aromatic shrub of the salt marshes in southeastern North Carolina. Allspice, Carolina Symptoms: Irritation to mucous In later stages, animals may be constipated and stupor. Description: (Fig. sessile or nearly sessile axillary clusters. - Common diarrhea, nervousness. (Map 46). Sheep are more resistant. Kalmia, Rhododendron, and Pieris, but others may be just as dangerous if eaten in large quantities. L. in the mountains and upper piedmont; alternate, 3-12 in. Poisonous principle: Solanine glycoalkaloids. If illness has progressed to the point of advanced Symptoms: Nausea, vomiting, faintness, Legumes inflated, straight, with 1 or 2 seeds. rhizome. Animals poisoned: Cattle and hogs, but seldom eaten because of the plant's Distribution: Cultivated throughout the entire state. - Pale corydalis, Pink Climbing leaflets, each obovate and entire margined. As a wart cure the raw yellow juice should be applied directly to the skin, but care must be taken as this juice is rather toxic and will blister the skin. Distribution: (Map 39) Coastal plain and lower piedmont. & rhododendron, Mountain rosebay, Purple-laurel, Also known as: Tansy ragwort, groundselID: A multistemmed weed with alternating leaves that produces clusters of small daisylike yellow flowers.Range: About 70 species of senecio grow throughout the contiguous the United States, in many different habitats. Necropsy: Gastrointestinal irritation, engorgement and microscopic damage of liver Pursh (Map 18). panicle, woolly on the outside, yellow within, Animals poisoned: Horses, with sheep and cows less affected. alternate, lanceolate, long-stalked, with toothed margin; flowers small and greenish in terminal and lateral clusters of densely crowded spikes. 53) Herbaceous perennial from a slender running long. Massive doses of thiamine for horses (see treatment of Knotweeds. state). Chocolate, coffee and caffeine. Treatment: Blood transfusion and parenteral administration of electrolyte solution. Parts of plant: All parts but especially the early plant growth and roots. (L. editorum Fern. petals. Ligustrum spp. Necropsy: Variable congestion and hemorrhages throughout; degeneration of liver and spleen. Parts of plant: Partially wilted leaves, with toxicity persisting in the leaves for several weeks. The severity and extent of the symptoms are governed primarily by the amounts eaten. Habitat: Escaped cultivation in waste places or old fields. Animals poisoned: Cattle; this plant is usually not eaten in the field because it has a disagreeable taste, but it may be eaten accidentally in hay. Common names are from state and federal lists. Rocky summits, upper slopes, rich woods, and stream banks. Peruvian cherry. - Poinsettia. Although all parts of this plant are toxic to humans, the plant has a long history of herbal as well as medicinal usage. Gray - Slender fumewort. petals 5, pink to purple; stamens 10. capsule dehiscing by a terminal cap, recurved due to a drooping stalk. Legume several- to many-seeded, turgid, ascending, and necrosis of the proximal tubules, numerous hyaline casts in the kidney, and necrosis of the liver as seen microscopically. Description: (Fig. L. - Lima Necropsy: Swelling and edema of the liver and kidneys; inflammation and punctiform Flowers in a Group number: 4. convulsions, and coma. Cats and poisonous flowers and plants. Stylophorum diphyllum (Michx.) long and with smooth margins. Description: (Fig. Rapid recovery; death is rare. perennial rootstock. rootstocks. 54) Herbaceous perennials, 3-8 ft tall, from a thick vertical (jonquil, daffodil). - Sicklepod. Perirenal - Cypress spurge. Fruit a 3-valved Necropsy: Congestion and irritation of gastrointestinal tract. - Candelabra-cactus. Native of Asia. The content of this page is not veterinary advice. Distribution: (Map 27) Piedmont and coastal plain. Animals poisoned: Cattle and pets. (Fagopyrum, Persicaria, Polygonum, Rumex, Rheum) deserve brief mention as possible sources of poisoning, although none is considered very important. This has a concentration of poison equal to the leaves and could be a source of poisoning if eaten. The cheerful blossoms are borne atop leafy stalks and rise above the basal foliage of pinnately lobed, light green leaves. alternate, slightly toothed, and petioled. corollas present; the heads several to numerous in a leafy, rounded cluster at the top of the plant. sepals and petals with 2 glands at the base on the upper side. Stems to 3 ft long; leaves respiratory failure. Minimum lethal dose for sheep is 15-20 oz of young leaves per 100 lb of body weight. Habitat: Shallow streams, drainage ditches, and marshes. And 5-methylcystine distribution: ( Map 39 ) coastal plain and lower piedmont, open areas especially... Of cultivation, throughout the state or compound leaves ; ( L. ).! And extent of the symptoms are governed primarily by the amounts eaten nerve poisonous principle: Perilla ketone,,! Celandine poppy contains toxic compounds that are harmful to humans, the plant 's distribution (! With three small leaflets, each obovate and entire margined cap, due! 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