Bette was a foster parent for 30 years, caring for more than 150 children since 1972. Anne Mathews-Younes is the Deputy Director of the Center for Mental Health Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services and has been with this Federal agency for twenty-five years. more than 80,000 grandparents in Pennsylvania are responsible for meeting the basic needs of their children? As an organization focused on promoting intergenerational programs and policies, GU addresses the issue of relatives raising children from the perspectives of both the young and old. With no assistance from the child welfare system, they have overcome what many said was impossible. She holds a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree from Ursuline College in Cleveland, OH, a Master of Science degree in nursing from the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta, GA, and a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing from Ursuline College in Cleveland, OH. She was inducted as a Fellow into the American Academy of Nursing in 2013. Financial Help for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Alison Barkoff,SGRG Council Chair,was sworn into office as the Principal Deputy Administrator on January 20, 2021. She has more than 25 years of Early Childhood Education experience in state, local and federal government. The maximum deduction amount is $1,110, on average, if a grandchild is a dependent. She is the recipient of a 7Everyday Hero Award, a Colorado Non-Profit - William Funk Award and the Brookdale Foundation Grandfamilies Award. The work AARP New York does to support kin caregivers is made possible by support from the AARP Foundation through a generous grant from the New York Life Foundation. Gail Engel and her husband, Joe, are raising their 12-year-old grandson with intellectual and development disabilities autism and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Decide what kinds of activities and speakers you would like to have. Support for families with grandparents and other kin raising children. Please enter your email address below to create account. Conducted by Family and Community Service of Delaware County, this program offers a wide platform of services for families with grandparents caring for their grandchildren, including bi-monthly support group meetings for grandparents, support groups for grandchildren between the ages of 5 and 12, workshops on parenting, individual and family counseling, training in advocacy (so families can serve as advocates for their own rights) and a Grandparent Stop-In Center" for less formal peer support. Exchanging phone numbers or setting up a phone tree for emergencies or for personal support can be very helpful. In Pennsylvania, the Department of Public Welfare, Office of Children, Youth, and Families has a policy that requires that kin be considered first when an out-of home placement is sought for a child under the Department's care. You are leaving and going to the website of our trusted provider. Free Government Laptops for Families in Need. For more information or to learn how to fill out the grant application, contact the New York State Kinship Navigator at: This program provides cash and Medicaid. If you are a kinship care provider, stepping in when the biological parents are unable or unwilling to safely uphold their primary parental responsibilities: Relationships with Children in Your CareIt is normal for children to miss their parents and want their mother and father to resume primary care of them. published April 30, 2021. receive communications related to AARP volunteering. The third highlight of the meeting was an open forum for Council members to reflect on the report and shifting focus to the development of a National Family Caregiving Strategy that closely aligns with the Councils five goals. Contact your State Department of Social Services to see if you are eligible for grants, kinship care, or anon-parent grant. . Although agencies are required to keep records, you should keep your own copies. Ms. Proctor is responsible for the oversight and supervision of the daily operations, grant making, program implementation and monitoring and accountability activities for the early learning programs. Depending on a grandparent's adjusted gross income, taxpayers can receive at least $3,618 per dependent child. And finally, use, a comprehensive website that lets you search for additional financial assistance programs that you may be eligible for, such as lower energy bills, discounts on prescription medications and more. The Educational Law Center ensures equal access to education for all children and has free services and publications Before joining Senior Corps, she served as special assistant to the secretary at the U.S. Department of Education. 3. Note if the line is busy, when no one answers, or you leave a message and no one returns your calls. Older caregivers are frequently stressed and may experience a sense of isolation as they watch their peers participate in adult activities. In recent years, increased attention has been devoted to intergenerational physical activity (PA) programs because they may have several benefits for both children and older adults (e.g., the reduction of ageism). Phone: 202-289-3979. Go to: and in the search area, type in kinship care resource kit. Mrs. Smalls is an advocate for grandparents and other relatives raising children. Determine who is eligible to attend and whether transportation assistance is needed. She worked with youth and families in the therapeutic foster care system. (Voice) 1-800-772-1213(TTY) 1-800-325-0778, Healthy Kids . Ask for business cards. Kinship care providers may wish they had more time to give to these persons. To conclude the series, families plan and conduct a GRANDFamily celebration. All personal information discussed should be kept confidential within the group. grandparents and other relatives in many of these households are the primary caregivers for children whose parents cannot or will not care for them due to substance abuse, illness and death, abuse and neglect, economic hardship, incarceration, divorce, domestic violence, and other family and community crises? Get instructions for navigating this site, ______________________________________________________________________. Harrisburg, PA 17120-2121 (717) 783-0686 Fax: (717) 780-4788 DISTRICT OFFICE: 152 S. Pennsylvania Ave. Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702 (570) 825-5934 State Representative Eddie Day Pashinski 121st Legislative District Grandparents Raising Grandchildren A Resource Guide On October 20, 2020, the Supporting Grandparents Raising Grandchildren (SGRG) Advisory Council finalized 22 recommendations intended to advance change and improve supports to kinship families and grandfamilies of all ages. People tend to come back when they leave with a smile. To expand programs and services and adopt broader supportive legislation, public awareness must increase. More than 200,000 Senior Corps volunteers serve through a network of three programs that support more than 65,000 local organizations: The Foster Grandparent Program serves vulnerable children; the Senior Companion Program provides peer support for independent living services; and RSVP helps public and nonprofit agencies build infrastructure to provide a wide range of vital community programs and services. For starters, find out whether your family qualifies for your states Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, which may include cash assistance, food stamps and free or low-cost daycare. Get names, titles, agency names and phone numbers of everyone. Make a call to 800-829-3676 and ask for publications number: 501, 503, 596, 970, 972, and Form 8839 to be sent to your address or email. Bette is a strong and passionate advocate for children and their families. 1-800-322-7572, Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) . Child Care (this benefit is income-dependent) Maryland Energy Assistance Program (MEAP) Office of Home Energy Programs (OHEP) To Apply Submit an application on-line at myDHR Apply in-person at the Local Department of Social Services. The council Co-Chairs gave a presentation on overarching themes discussed in the report to Congress, including the five priorities which guided the Councils work. Grandparents may be eligible for SNAP food benefits to help feed the children they care for. A Second Chance, Inc., provides a full range of kinship foster care, adoptive, and support services for kinship care families. From August 2018 to January 2019, I interviewed 30 grandparents (ages 54 and older) raising grandchildren in North Carolina about their experiences feeding their families. Grandparents parenting grandchildren: extent of situation, issues involved, and educational implications. Write down or record information rather than rely on your memory. Charlotte Stephenson was confronted with devastating news in July 2011 when she learned that her daughter was addicted to painkillers and her grandson, Cameron, had been born addicted. 331 Catholic Social Services 214 West Walnut Street, Hazleton, PA 18201 Include, for example, last known addresses of the child's parents when petitioning for custody. This is your opportunity to ask for referrals. Are you looking for financial assistance or grants to help raise your grandchildren? On November 16, 2021 the Advisory Council to Support Grandparents Raising Grandchildren announced the release of the report to Congress during its fourth convening. She has testified before Congress and the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights on disability rights and was appointed to serve on the federal Advisory Committee for Competitive Integrated Employment of People with Disabilities. There you go. You are not only a caregiver but a mentor to help the children avoid the pitfalls in life. in psychology from The University of California, Berkeley. She prepares and participates in workshops for foster, adoptive, and kinship caregivers. E-mail: 2511-2513)This law allows a child's legal guardian/custodian to permit a relative or family friend to consent to medical, surgical, dental, developmental, mental health, or other treatment for the child. Workshops for kinship caregivers and grandchildren include topics on stress management, conflict resolution, parent education, and life skills education. Often rather than have the kids taken by the state, many grandparents step in to care for their grandchildren. The SGRG Council met virtually for its third meeting on September 15, 2020. By Jackie Stewart. Professor, Intergenerational Programs and Aging. She is the HRSA representative on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Advisory Council on Alzheimers Disease Research, Care, and Services; the Family Caregiving Advisory Council; and the Grandparent Advisory Council. Yvonne participates in her community as a mentor, advocate, and leader for at-risk youth. She previously managed her familys private practice for 17 years. They can receive Temporary Family Assistance (TFA) on behalf of the child, foster care reimbursements, or guardianship subsidies. Inquire at the local Department of Social Services. Web site. If a child has been placed into the foster care system, a family member can become a foster parent. Your income is not considered for the child to receive help. The free clinic serves as a partner to deliver care to grandparents caring for grandchildren without health insurance. Dr. Lamont leads work on aging, Alzheimers disease, support for informal caregivers, adult maltreatment, and disability data. Brookdale Center for Healthy Aging Web site, The Brookdale FoundationThe Brookdale Relatives as Parents Program (RAPP) is designed to encourage and promote the creation or expansion of services for grandparents raising grandchildren. Let the group decide the time, length, and place of future meetings. By honoring cultures, values, and diversities, we will create a better future so that families can flourish. Ask for help. If the grandparent dies after an adoption is final but . Sarah Hedden, B.S., MSW, J.D., is a supervising attorney with the Kinship Care Legal Services Program at a nonprofit law firm, the Center for Elder Law & Justice, in Buffalo, New York. Because it can be stressful, consider grandparents raising grandchildren support groups in your area. If you care for your grandchild/grandchildren, you may be eligible for free medical and dental assistance from Medicaid. By learning more about these families and their unique needs, communities can better coordinate a continuum of service options. Guardianship may have slightly different meanings according to your state of residence, so be sure to double check all information with local laws. If they have been in foster care and you gain guardianship of them, you may be able to receive subsidized guardianship. OH, and presents resources for relative caregivers on financial assistance, Medicaid, child support, after-school care, licensing, and permanency incentives. As this was an informal emergency placement, Dr. Kleckley was not involved with the child welfare system or the courts. (Grandparents Educating Minds) program. Also, visit AARP Foundations Benefits QuickLink tool for kincare families at . Yvonne S. Lee, MSW, has been a licensed social worker since 2011. The need for programs and services for kinship caregivers and children spans all life stages. This can be because their children cannot take care of them because of substance abuse, incarceration, mental illness, death, or other reasons. 1-877-KinInfo or 1-877-454-6463 The Advisory Council will establish a process for obtaining public input to inform the development of both the initial report and the subsequent update. AARP Grandfamilies Resources Web site Contact: AARP Grandparent Information Center, 601 E Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20049. Lance Robertson, ACL Administrator and Assistant Secretary for Aging, and Eric Hargan, Deputy Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services, emphasized the importance of the Councils work and the significance of federal investments in support of grandparents raising grandchildren. Gail is the founder of the nonprofit organization Grand Family Coalition, helping families connect to resources and others in their situation. Phone: 202-434-2296. Keep it simple and start small; two or three people in the beginning afford a good start. Yvonne is also an entrepreneur; she owns her own business called My September LLC., which provides case management to aged and disability waiver participants. Below is a short list of government benefits and grants to help the unemployed and working but earn low wages. She also oversees the Preschool Development Grants (PDG); Preschool Pay for Success (PFS) Initiative; Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge (RTT-ELC) and the Ready to Learn Television (RTL) grant programs. again. She started to advocate for families like herself at the state, tribal and federal level by speaking and raising her voice at public forums about the challenges and needs of the GAP community. Please return to to learn more about other benefits. If you are concerned about abuse and neglect, call your state's Child Abuse Reporting Number, which can be found at and ask them to look at your grandchildren's care. Please visit the links below to view the meeting presentations, live stream recording, and a summary of the meeting outcomes. Are you a low-income family struggling to make ends meet? link to Free Government Laptops for Families in Need, link to The Family Assistance Program - Help with Finances, The Family Assistance Program Help with Finances, Wichita & Sedgwick County Emergency Housing, How to Start Small A Tree Trimming Business, Best Ways to Get Free Infant & Baby Formula, Where to Get Security Deposit Assistance Rent & Utilities, Utility Assistance Programs North Carolina, If the children have been legally adopted, National Foster Care & Adoption Directory Child welfare gateway. Relationships with the Children's ParentsOften, when a family situation gets to the point that a relative must assume parenting responsibilities, there are profound feelings of disappointment and even anger associated with the biological parents' inability to fulfill their parental roles. 00:04:22 - There are so many families in our country that have been broken by bad relationships, death of a parent or both parents or just never had the chance Lent leads the national effort to set a unified agenda and coordinates the work of organizations serving and advocating for grandfamilies. Grandparents who have legal custody of grandchildren have several resources for financial assistance through government agencies, social service organizations and private foundations. Support groups are important for resource sharing. She has published journal articles and book chapters on topics including custodial grandparenting, mental health, sexuality, aging, and doctoral student training. You can also apply online. You can find this out at your local Social Security office, or call 800-772-1213 or visit In the next 24 hours, you will receive an email to confirm your subscription to receive emails In November of 2018, he served on the Kinship Action Planning Group to provide recommendations regarding a menu of supports for kin families. AARP New York is committed to helping kin caregivers, and along with helping to establish the New York State Kincare Coalition, AARP has helped to resolve some of the legal challenges faced by caregivers. These general descriptions are not intended as legal advice in any particular situation. This section provides information about current kinship care laws in Pennsylvania and where families can go for help. While services to support kinship care families are available in some parts of the state, these services still only exist on a small scale. This online tool helps to match grandparents raising grandchildren with public benefits, including the non-parent grant, and many others. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Write your grandchild's date of birth, Social Security Number, health care information, important telephone numbers, etc., on the inside of the folder. Of course the answer was yes, but shortly after the children arrived, the Olsons discovered that no services followed, and very little was available since Minnesota was not the state that removed the children. Publications Such feelings often contribute to adversarial relations between the caregiver and the parent; such a state of affairs is typically not in the best interests of the child, particularly when the children are likely to have an ongoing relationship with their parent(s). Set limits when you feel you must, and make sure that the parent understands what you will accept and not accept. Arizona Governor's Advisory Council on Aging Web site. This Penn State Extension publication was written by Matthew Kaplan, associate professor, Penn State; Nancy Crago, former Penn State Extension family and consumer sciences educator; Caroline Crocoll, national program leader for family life and human development, USDA/CSREES; Jim McCrea, executive director, Generations Together; and Brent Elrod, manager, Policy and Program, Generations United. Learn who is in charge of the services you need. . CONTACT: Illinois Department of Human Services. Realizing the opportunity for outreach and the power of social media, Sharon created Facebook groups for grandparents and other relatives raising children. In recognition of the one year anniversary of the council, the Secretary of Health and Human Services provided welcoming remarks and thanks to the councils hard work in improving the lives of caregivers within Kinship families and Grandfamilies. Initially an ongoing caseworker, he transitioned into the role of kinship navigator in 2004. Program services include: certification, orientation, and training of kinship foster families; monitoring and assessment of participating families; after-care assistance; and respite care. To help with the day-to-day expenses, there are a variety of government programs and tax benefits that can make a big difference in stretching your budget. 1-800-986-KIDSPennsylvania CHIP web site, PA Area Agencies on Aging (PA Department of Aging): . This resource guide will tell you where to find the help you need. They have been shown to help reduce caregivers' stress and improve health, resulting in greater physical and emotional stability for caregivers. Human service professionals can facilitate this goal by joining together (e.g., forming local kinship care task force groups), sharing ideas and resources, and mobilizing to address the unmet needs of kinship care families. Through her past work, she began to understand kinship care of children and the importance of providing support to families providing care for their young relatives. On November 16, 2021, the Advisory Council to Support Grandparents Raising Grandchildren released its initial report to Congress. Remember to celebrate the triumphs and the rewards of raising children. Support groups can be very beneficial to Pennsylvania families because: Contact the Area Agency on Aging in your community by visiting the Pennsylvania Department of Aging website or call your local information and referral service at 411. She is a founding and charter member of NewFound Families (previously known as FACES) and served as their vice president of kinship for more than five years. You may be eligible for cash assistance, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), help with child care, health care coverage for your grandchildren, home heating assistance (LIHEAP), school meals, and more. Fax: 202-434-6470. Dr. McGuire is passionate about caregiving both professionally and personally, as a caregiver for her mother with mixed dementia. Guardianship suspends parental rights until the parent can prove to the court they can successfully care for the child/children. National Alliance for CaregivingProvides support for family caregivers and connects families with information on caregiver resources and local services. The program is housed at four locations in schools where Family Centers have offices. She serves on the boards of WV CARES, Charleston Institute Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc., the Adverse Childhood Experiences Coalition of West Virginia (ACEs Coalition of West Virginia), Kanawha Chapter of the NAACP, and West Virginia Child Advocacy Network (WVCAN). Ms. Barkoff previously served as Director of Advocacy at the Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law, where she worked on a range of disability, healthcare, education and civil rights issues. The Salvation Army and other charities help low-income families keep holiday traditions. The mission of the Advisory Council to Support Grandparents Raising Grandchildren (SGRG) is to identify, promote, coordinate and disseminate information, resources, and best practices to help grandparents and older relative caregivers of children meet the health, educational, nutritional, and other needs of the children in their care, while maintaining their own physical, mental, and emotional well-being. In the past week, LegiStorm added: 279 new people; 49 new organizations; 161 new photos; 565 job history records for people in our database; 222 education records for people in our database; 997 contact addresses, emails and URLs (LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. In the first part of the series, participants hear stories about African-Americans' experiences in quilting. Limiting the duration of visits in a month or determining which days or times should be avoided will . You can also call the IRS publication line at 800-829-3676 and ask them to mail you the publications that further explain the aforementioned benefits. or call 1-877-KIDS-NOW. Plan on contacting them weekly. However, there may be other programs that can benefit you and your grandkids. Which means, unless the child has their own source of income, and the vast majority do not, almost all kincare families should be receiving the grant. The organization's monthly newsletter provides a summary of state/national legislation and programs pertaining to the health, education, and welfare of children in kinship care families. In particular, Pennsylvania has no laws relating to financial and support services for kinship care, nor does the state have a law specifically relating to educational consent for children in a kinship care situation. The publication includes a . Mrs. Smalls is experienced in researching law regarding kinship, able to define complex issues regarding law. Dr. McQueen-Gibson serves on the Virginia Board of Nursing, the Board of the Southern Gerontological Society, and volunteers at the Community Free Clinic of Newport News, VA. The Pennsylvania Department of Aging provided funding for an earlier project [contract number 4000002680, 2002] upon which much of the content described in this publication is based. Give attention to these persons by remembering them with cards or telephone calls. 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