During one night, it is Snow's turn to wake David up, but she can't think of anything to write to him because she misses him too much, and instead crumples the paper into her fist before giving him true love's kiss. Despite the fact David is married, both of them start a relationship. Arthur then secretly follows Mary Margaret and Lancelot into the Vault of the Dark One, where he makes them forfeit the dagger to him, however, he soon learns it's fake, just as David ambushes him from behind. Not trusting the pirate, David holds onto the bean in a box. David and Emma work to restrain Mr. Gold from beating Hook to death for what he did to Belle. Arthur states it's rumored to be in the Forest of Eternal Night, though he is unsure if the toadstool is real. She became very sad and miserable, which led her to drink the memory potion to forget David. A panicked Emma accidentally collapses a streetlight that begins falling on Hook, though David pushes him out of the way and takes the blow. Mr. Gold, also in the store, notices and starts a conversation about love. Once Belle figures out what spell Zelena is intending to cast, David and the others return to Regina's house just after Mary Margaret was briefly possessed by Cora's spirit. To reach out Emma, David and Mary Margaret cast the Dark Curse, meaning David's life is taken. ***. David is certain it should work since Snow did the same with him once, but Hades points out that, in his case, his soul never left his body before being revived. Mary Margaret, in defense of her son, ferociously battles Regina as David watches the battle play out. At the library, David helps his family and Merida plow through books to look up information on Hades' weakness, though nothing is found. Forced to act on Pan's wishes, Wendy lies to them, but with some encouragement, she yields and tells the truth. 3 pages January 4, 2016 Lanaparrilla38. Seconds before the portal closes, she and David disappear into it. So instead, the Evil Queen went to James' brother, David and ripped out his heart so he could be her lover and her puppet. She has skin white as the snow and red lips the color of a rose. The Blue Fairy tells her to have faith their plan will work, and if not, the curse will take them to a new land where their memories are erased and they will be slaves to the Queen's will. ("The Savior"), In the diner, David tries to maintain a semblance of calm by directing the Untold Stories residents to food and shelter, but this causes the people to become restless. ("7:15 A.M."), Beginning an affair, he and Mary Margaret begin seeing each other secretly. Regina casts a preservation spell on Henry to last one hour until they can track down Pan. Dr. Whale comes back from checking up on Greg and says the man is bleeding into his chest cavity. By banishing darkness from their child, he must infuse another vessel with darkness. David jokes to Mary Margaret that it is impressive they can still provide their daughter with traumatic childhood memories this late in her life. Later, David finds Hook looking through the storybook for information on Auntie Em, Dorothy's deceased aunt, who they need for waking a cursed Dorothy. She admits he doesn't have James' "delicious damage", which David is responsible for, having been the son that their mother kept instead of James. ("Lost Girl"), Sometime during the war with the Evil Queen, Prince Charming, Snow White, and their allies ambush her at a village. Unexpectedly, Regina intercepts the battle, saving Marian's life, by obliterating the being. He, Emma and Mary Margaret rush to check on Regina where they learn Zelena attempted to take her heart, but failed since it's hidden elsewhere. Looking out the window, he sees Cerberus approaching and hastily alerts Regina, as everyone escapes out the apartment in time, before the beast charges into the building. Regina tells them about the power of Pandora's Box while Neal's distrust in his father causes him to blurt out Mr. Gold's objective to kill Henry and prevent a seer's prophecy from coming true. Once there, he attempts to have some alone time with her, but she has other ideas. Snow White enters the castle first, but tells the princes to wait until nightfall. David agrees that Henry has taken after both Emma and Regina, who both put up walls. As they attempt to flee, Prince Charming is turned to stone by Medusa. Despite that, he'll continue to work through their relationship by going to therapy with her. Regina just wanted to tell them before Maleficent did. Angrily, Emma confirms that Regina will never change from who she is. David manages to save him while tricking the dragon and cutting off its head. Birth As David tries to free Hook's frozen feet, the Snow Queen collapses the trap just as Emma magically pushes the two men to safety. Hook goes first by stating he shared a kiss with Emma, causing outrage from David, as well as his genuine feelings for her. Prince Charming is informed by Grumpy, who was told by Jiminy, that fifty inhabitants landed in the Enchanted Forest two miles away. ("An Apple Red as Blood"), As two guards haul him out for execution, Prince Charming breaks free of them and flees, but is apprehended in the hallway by another one of the Queen's underlings. The two happily reunite with a deep kiss before leaving the room. First appearance: The seven dwarves promise to protect Snow by housing her in their house, but as the potion deepens in her, Snow becomes cold and cruel to her friends, and she later tosses herself out of the house. The Blind Witch, as Cruella's accomplice, traps the foursome in the library, with Regina later realizing Hades' magic is keeping them from escaping. ("Her Handsome Hero"), After Ruby is found in the Underworld, she is brought to the apartment, where she tells her friends about her search for Dorothy, who went missing in Oz after Zelena took her silver slippers. They desire his help to stop the trigger, but he refuses, believing dying is his penance for Neal's death. Emma, realizing the only person who can read the map is dead, stalks outside. Mr. Gold has Henry deliver a message to Aurora and let her know squid ink is the most effective way to defeat Cora. Snow White challenges this, so the Queen attacks a peasant girl. He shows her his mother's necklace, which has the ability to predict the gender of a person's future child. As they all leave the station together, Belle runs up, reporting that Mr. Gold is missing. Using the potion on the hat, it leads him to Jefferson, who he rescues from an overturned car. Upon learning the whole truth, Emma is hurt and disappointed. He, Emma, Hook, Mary Margaret and Regina link hands as the portal opens, but Cora refuses to appear. When Regina tried to push her body, Cora used her magic to prevent her daughter to move. Afterwards, at the diner, Zelena makes a surprise appearance to threaten those who get in her way will be killed by the Dark One. Hurrying to the mines, Henry and his family discover too late that the bean is gone. With Hook's help from the Underworld, Emma discovers Hades can be killed with the Olympian Crystal, but instead of her finishing him off, Zelena kills Hades after he murders Robin. Regina offers to watch him since she isn't going to the ball, though she eventually fesses up to not knowing how to dance and fearing people will doubt she is the not the savior. She had always assumed that she couldn't get pregnant and the father of this child..the father..well she didn't have to worry about the father because she was never going to see him again and that was something she was grateful for. Emma disagrees, telling him that some people are beyond help if they can't move past their grudges. ("The Brothers Jones"), At the diner, Snow realizes she and David have been in the Underworld for far longer than they intended, with the Blind Witch so used to them that she knows their favorite foods. David Nolan (Husband) Emma detects this means both her parents want to go back to the Enchanted Forest. Mary Margaret tries to talk her daughter out of allowing the two strangers to stay in Storybrooke, despite their claims about changing for the better, an assertion David backs up. "Pilot" Everyone else works on stopping Emma from completing the spell to snuff out the light, but Hook tries to talk to Emma directly, prompting her several times for the truth. They then decide to head for the mansion, where Henry is hiding, when David suggests destroying the door page so the Author can never be freed and won't make Emma evil. Returning his attentions to regaining his missing family, David looks for the Mad Hatter, the owner of the hat. Once Emma saves Zelena, a kiss of true love between Hades and Zelena triggers a portal to Storybrooke that is set to open in a few hours. David recognizes the trunk markings as manmade, meaning someone brought the tree down deliberately and believes they may be under attack. Snow reveals her greatest secret, she wishes to have another baby because she lost her chance with Emma, but then learns the truth that David can't leave the island and they can't have another baby because he will die if he does so. THE Town is later engulfed in the smoke and the clock strikes 7:15. Upon finding the note, they prepare to track down Emma, but Nimue takes them to the lake, where Charon is set to appear. ("Sisters"), Soon after Regina lets Zelena go to Hades, the heroes are approached by the Underworld lord for help, because Zelena is being ransomed by Mr. Gold and Peter Pan. Storming into the pawnshop with Hook, David a card with a photo of the necklace from Belle. Anton leaves the ship, but promises David will pay for what he has done. Shared centric episodes Upon finding Mary Margaret's car window spray painted with the word "slut", David begins washing it off when the schoolteacher herself arrives. He, with Snow White, Hook, and Regina, look through one of Regina's mirrors to see Emma has been cursed to believe the fairytales of Henry's book are nothing but delusions, which causes Snow to realize the final battle is actually a fight for Emma's belief in magic. After Hook and Regina chime in with their own ideas, they interrupted by Zelena, who convinces them that their plan won't work, and their best bet is to sneak in without attracting attention. Desperate to find out more, Snow and David go to Rumplestiltskin, who says only their unborn child can be their savior. During one night, Charming and Snow are chatting at the table, oblivious to Edmond adding poison into a wine jug on the Queen's orders. His real desire is to go back to the Enchanted Forest, even though their home world is not the same as in the past with Cora in power and the ogres taking over, he insists they fight to regain what is theirs. He doesn't think David is the right person to lead the town as he's not really a prince, but a shepherd, and vows to make the town see who he really is. A retelling of a scene from "Pilot" reads: Prince Charming was originally supposed to die in the, David was supposed to be mentioned in the. Before his father leaves for the journey, David ties a coin around his father's wrist to give him good luck. After she leaves, David tells Hook that Emma is never going to like him since he's just a pirate. Regina forces the fury to take her instead, but a stubborn Mary Margaret links hands with her, taking some of the blast. While Emma searches the wall interior, David questions Hooks intentions with his daughter. As the evening goes on, they have no luck apprehending the thief, to which Mary Margaret expresses concerns about being away from Neal too long. Prepping for travel to the tree house, David offers help to Mary Margaret as she gathers up her bow arrows, but she declines and instead moves to the other side of camp near Emma. After reviewing some paperwork left in the man's car, Emma sees that his name is Greg Mendell. Receiving gets news from Red Riding Hood that King George has hired a powerful hit-man, Prince Charming offers to stay behind and hastens Snow White to run away to his mother's cabin. However, David sneaks away from camp to examine his festering Dreamshade wound. The Charmings capture Regina. As the Apprentice enacts the spell on the egg, he reveals that infusing darkness in it puts this land at risk, so it must go to another world. The next morning, David and Mary Margaret take out Neal in a stroller. Her parents pretend they were too harsh on the strangers earlier and have since let go of the issue, which Emma doesn't buy, but she accepts their explanation. To open the cave, David helps pull a vine with Hook to unseal the entrance, though the wound is weakening him. She senses something wrong, and he admits worrying about not seeing her as often now that she and Hook are living together, but she assures him this won't change anything. Her parents follow, consoling her about Neal, as Emma expresses everything from anger, grief and pain over losing the man she loved. When he is unable to persuade Mary Margaret of her past identity, he insists that the person he loves is somewhere in her and then holds out his hand to her. Eye color: Rumplestiltskin states that there will be a curse cast by the Evil Queen, and their only hope to break free of it is their unborn child, whom he dubs to be a Savior who will save them all in twenty-eight years. Regina would rather try using magic on the map, a move David highly disagrees with, as does everyone else. Then, he and Mary Margaret head home. Both he and Mary Margaret are elated to finally remember Emma as their daughter, but shortly after, they decide to question Mr. Gold about the purple smoke in Storybrooke. The pair take off to stop Emma, but they find her after she has already killed Cruella to save Henry. ("A Land Without Magic", "Pilot"), Afterward, they walk the beach coastline together as she inquiries how he found her. ("A Land Without Magic"), When the Queen unceremoniously interrupts Snow from rallying townspeople to help her take back the throne and instead offers her a deal, Charming tries to intervene, only for the Queen gag him. David stays behind, but is later called to regroup with Emma and Neal after Henry has gone missing. Choosing to fight, David takes on two of her henchmen before dueling with the warlord herself. Unsure of his own skill, Dr. Whale consults Mr. Gold for help, but he refuses and only warns that they should hope Greg dies so an outsider can't spread their town's magic secret to the whole world. Arthur saves his life, and without David's notice, steals the toadstool, which David believes was lost during the struggle. With David's encouragement, Mr. Gold asks her out. Henry Mills (Grandson/Adoptive Step-Brother)Hope Swan-Jones (Granddaughter)Ella Mills (Granddaughter-in-law) He leads them onto his ship to show them a caged shrunken giant who Cora brought from the Enchanted Forest. To this, Regina disappears in a cloud of smoke. ("Lost Girl"), Heading north by following the map, the plan is a failure once when they notice Pan's camp location keeps changing, making their journey fruitless. Having enough of her games, he comes clean by expressing disgust at her actions. ("The Heart of the Truest Believer"), While treading through the jungle to a cliff, David uses his sword to clear a path as they progress. As the executioner's arrows are fired, Snow White cancels the punishment at the last moment. While Emma goes to question Neal, David and Mary Margaret ask Mr. Gold for a way to track Regina. Snow White vows to return the egg after things are settled, and then she and Prince Charming flee as a devastated Maleficent makes a failed attempt to stop them. At their parting, Snow White jokingly tries on his ring, but declares it's not her style. He begins leaving, except David reminds Mr. Gold the debt he owes Mary Margaret for saving his life. Emma and Hook will join him on this quest, and they agree to meet Mary Margaret and David at Tinker Bell's tree house once everything is settled. However, when Regina doesn't contact them within the scheduled time, the couple search for her. David attempts to pull out his sword to defend his wife and child, but he is frozen while Zelena steals the baby for a time spell. With the quest a failure, the men discuss the irony of their claims to fame; Arthur's being the prophesied king, and David's being his princess' rescuer, although both want to be known for more than just that. Necklace from Belle but declares it 's rumored to be in the Enchanted.! Be in the man 's car, Emma sees that his name is Greg Mendell with childhood... Night, though the wound is weakening him their child, he must infuse another vessel with darkness cloud smoke. Not her style to reach out Emma, but he refuses, believing dying is his for... To Jefferson, who was told by Jiminy, that fifty inhabitants landed the... In a stroller with his daughter search for her move past their grudges,. 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